Italy > Lazio > Roma



Hi I have a degree in foreign languages and meanwhile I worked to the Appeal Court in Paris I worked as photomodel for different French Photographers. When I come back in Italy I worked for some Read more

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I have a degree in foreign languages and meanwhile I worked to the Appeal Court in Paris I worked as photomodel for different French Photographers.

When I come back in Italy I worked for some photographer and currently I worked as model for a painter.
I'd like work in this area, in particulary abroad: I speak fluently English and French but I studied German, Spanish, Portuguish, and I'm studyng for mysellf Swedish and Chinese.
I work as photographer too but I do photographic exhibition about the cities all around the world.

Employer: Fotografo

Years of Experience: 5

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Lazio > Roma
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