Gianluca Ferrari Web Designer
Italy > Lombardia > Milano
Gianluca Ferrari is a Web Designer from Milano with >10 years of experience
Description:I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me.
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Showcase Insight
- 133 Monthly showcase visits
- 226 Visit of the year
- 1 Monthly works Visits
- 37 Click on links
I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me.
Portfolio Skills
- Other
- Blog - Influencer
- CoronaVirus
- Photos
- Graphics design
- Portals
- Corporate Sites
- Dynamic sites
- Web Marketing
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Claudia galanti offi...
70 0Bazar deluxe
61 0Excape combo
51 0For you club
47 0Illustrator artist
41 0Marietticarsgarage
35 0Exploremilan
37 0Beautyderma
37 0Kriliko
33 0Corpoyalma
32 0Espresso italia
25 0Hollywood
30 0As65
28 0T-shirt design by gf
29 0T-rex recording stud...
21 0Ristorante vitanova
21 0Bergo'
19 0Consorzio buenos air...
18 0Natural health
19 0Rollup consorzio bue...
19 0Sima milano
21 0App alpitour world
22 0App satelles
18 0Wae - gamification
29 0Ristorante al borgo ...
27 0Vinthiages café bra...
21 0
Blog - Influencer
Graphics design
Creative heart t-shi...
16 0Boxing tournament t-...
17 0Sweet friends t-shir...
18 0Ali t-shirt
13 0Citydiscover milan b...
19 0Ferrari tour radiode...
11 0Greenmet - logo st...
14 0
Corporate Sites
18 0Giussani laterizi
15 0Aeroengineering
14 0Sala cucine mobili
12 0Worldpainting srl
15 0Syroop software hous...
20 0Opa siena opera dell...
34 0Acquarello web site
26 0Fcf trasporti
10 0Fcf parking
12 0Greenmet - web sit...
15 0Cubaservicex
17 0Caseificio prealpino
17 0
Dynamic sites
Smc mascherine chiru...
0 0Fgp car rental
0 0Il vinauta
3 0Bocce_di_caffe_hp
12 0Outside equipment
15 0Mia bag
10 0Ontime
9 0Fausto colato
8 0Mgstampa
8 0Nutritrade
10 0Andrea panini
10 0Healing a child's h...
8 0Vectorenergia
8 0Miamo bijioux
6 0Mornati paglia toys
7 0Rifle jeans
5 0Goomle pneumatici
8 0
Web Marketing