Italy > Lazio > Roma Roma 00175

Salvatore Greco is a Video Producer from Roma with >20 years of experience


TV director and music consultant - CV: Start the profession of artist with the role of animator both in urban and tourist travel. After the first experiences with the "Teatro Club di Catania" and the Read more

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TV director and music consultant - CV: Start the profession of artist with the role of animator both in urban and tourist travel. After the first experiences with the "Teatro Club di Catania" and the Society of Theatre for Children "Il Circo di Via Condotti", runs a series of short films "Toro Seduto", "Milonga", "Voglia di Vocali .. "All'operatore la camera si bagn " is a finalist in the Festival Anteprima di Bellaria. Collaborates with RAI for an investigation program in four episodes "Cosa farò da grande" dedicated to the world of children. Author and Director of numerous conventions, theater and television productions for businesses / entities including a report on the cultural activities within the Sicilian prisons, two television series of the game wandering through La Rinascente Group, a report to the Review Cinemente organized by SPI and the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome. Made numerous editorial, commercial, educational, open meetings and reports. In 2014 he published the book "Il Gesto Impresso, use the power of music" Ed.Universitalia .. He is currently working on the script of a documentary film for which is defining the production

Employer: Video Producer

Years of Experience: >20

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

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  • Salvatore Greco 16 Aug 2015, 10:09

    Ho aggiornato la mia vetrina di CreatHead..


Address : Italy > Lazio > Roma Roma 00175
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