Alberto Trevisan Video Producer
Alberto Trevisan is a Video Producer from Firenze with >10 years of experience
Description:I specialize in the production of "custom music" and "Sound Design" for commercials and films, video editing, synchronization, color correction / retouching. Much of my work experience over the past Read more
- 18 Monthly showcase visits
- 20 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 3 Click on links
I specialize in the production of "custom music" and "Sound Design" for commercials and films, video editing, synchronization, color correction / retouching.
Much of my work experience over the past 12 years, was carried between Paris, London and Berlin and a month I returned to Italy permanently with my technical equipment.
They are also available for jobs and projects.
Portfolio Skills
- Other
- Self-timer Photo
- CoronaVirus
- Photos
- Multimedia Presentations
Favorites showcase
- No commments
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Multimedia Presentations