Italy > Veneto > Padova

Lalla is a Student from San Martino di Lupari with < 5 years of experience


I am a girl who is currently attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and works as a waitress at the weekend, to secure a minimum of independence. I attended the Liceo Scientifico "Titus Read more

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I am a girl who is currently attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and works as a waitress at the weekend, to secure a minimum of independence.
I attended the Liceo Scientifico "Titus Lucretius Carus" in Cittadella (PD), despite my propensity to art, but once finished, I followed my aspirations by enrolling in the Academy.

I'm looking for new and different techniques, and the courses I choose to attend comply with this principle.

In 2013 I exhibited my installation at Art Night at the Academy of Venice.

I'd like to find a job in line with my studies and that allows me to better express my creativity, even in the field of illustration for children or textile applied to the field.
I have a great desire to learn and to test myself with technical tasks and meeting for the first time.

My contacts are:
e-mail: [email protected]

Employer: Altro...

Years of Experience: < 5

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

Portfolio Skills

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Address : Italy > Veneto > Padova
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