Italy > Veneto > Verona

Patrizia Zanetti is a Senior Copy from VERONA with >20 years of experience


I live in Verona and have a degree on foreign languages (English and German) and licteratures. For 30 years I have been working as press office (Glaxo and Pfizer), translator, proof reader, copywriter Read more

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I live in Verona and have a degree on foreign languages (English and German) and licteratures. For 30 years I have been working as press office (Glaxo and Pfizer), translator, proof reader, copywriter and author for several publishers, i.e. Britannica Encyclopaedia, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Children’s Division, Auguri Mondadori (Garfield©), Virca (Anne Geddes, Snoopy©) Cartiere Paolo Pigna (Donald Duck© and Mickey Mouse©’s school diaries), Cartorama (Warner Bros.’ characters), RCI Italia (translations and editing for tourist industry), Helmut Rauch srl (business publisher), De Agostini Multimedia (editing of Cd-Rom), BMG Ricordi (music production), IBSA Structogram international (Swiss company for sales training).
I'm teaching English in a high professional school for Fashion product manager in Verona.

In order to give you a more complete view on my job, here you’ll find a list of different activities, which I usually fulfil:

- press office;
- proof reading on any kind of text;
- general editing;
- translations (from English/German);
- English teaching;
- creation of text-blocks for school diaries;
- different tales and rhymes creation, depending on the needs of the publisher;
- sentences for cards (wedding, birthday, Christmas etc.);
- integration and proof reading of journalist and advertisement articles;
- editing of dictionaries;
- translations of business behaviours courses;
- catalogues organization and review;
- creation of analytic indexes.

Employer: Copy Senior

Years of Experience: >20

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

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Address : Italy > Veneto > Verona
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