Alessia Locatelli PR and Events
Alessia Locatelli is a PR and Events from NOVATE MILANESE with >10 years of experience
Description:Alessia Locatelli was born in Milan in 1977. She is the artistic director of the Enrico Cattaneo’s archive and of Women Photography Biennial in Mantua (Italy). She managed some of the past editions of Read more
- 244 Monthly showcase visits
- 274 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 6 Click on links
Alessia Locatelli was born in Milan in 1977. She is the artistic director of the Enrico Cattaneo’s archive and of Women Photography Biennial in Mantua (Italy). She managed some of the past editions of the SiFest and the Canon Award, specializing in photography and becoming Independent Curator in the organization of exhibitions with both public and private entities, in Italy and abroad; while in parallel the activity of curating and consulting continues for artists and photographers. It is the signature of some art & photo magazines and critic of the Photography Dossier within the "CAM, catalog of modern art" (ex-Bolaffi) published by the Editorial Giorgio Mondadori - Cairo Group.
From 2016 she organizes and teaches in professional courses to become Photo-curator in photography schools and independent realities throughout Italy. She participates as Folio-Reviewer in various Photo Festivals between Italy and Switzerland and she’s in the organizational team of Photolux Festival in Lucca, 2019 edition. She’s in charge of helping and assisting authors in the selection of Fine Art papers and for materials useful for conservation and sale to collectors.
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Exhibition stands
- Other
- Artists
- Press Releases
- CoronaVirus
- Curriculum
- Photos
- Location
- News
- Designing and organizing events
Favorites showcase
4 0Mi presento
8 0Curator of dossier f...
2 0Gigi piana locandina...
5 0Articjulieta.locatel...
81 0Galbiaticanavesijuli...
52 0Testourbandesignp1lo...
39 0Professione_curator_...
2 0Artweek russia- jury...
0 0Invito_j._prina
32 0Become a curator pho...
1 0Salviamolaluna-julie...
31 0Salviamolaluna-julie...
23 0Testo.juliet.a.jaar0...
4 0Curatrice collettiva...
29 0Mostra fotografica d...
11 0Riscatti mostra a cu...
10 0Extravolti mostra fo...
10 0
8 0Antonio di cecco mai...
8 0M.standbridge_twin s...
10 0Minhan.jpg
7 0Pulcinoelelfantelogo
6 0Torino_ricerca_d_ide...
8 0Enrico cattaneo "me...
6 0Afran
5 0Gos save the rats , ...
21 0Casiraghy alberto "...
2 0Istanti di natura 20...
15 034
7 0Invito elisa cella
8 0Hansoon-il giorno de...
6 0Cattaneo_enrico
10 0Antonio toma 's pre...
3 0Curator of mario pec...
3 0Rosella restante's ...
3 0Curator of daniele s...
4 0Invito_stampaquida l...
5 0Artsitic director bi...
2 0
Press Releases
Comunicato stampa ca...
5 0Cs korea giugno 2015
6 0C.s. mostra gigi pia...
4 0Cartolina figuaaqua....
9 0Invito mikelle stand...
3 0Testo pad giapponese...
1 0Cs il giorno della c...
6 0Bio di elisa cella,a...
6 0Marina abramovic al ...
4 0Con la presente ho i...
3 0
Curriculum-europeo a...
6 0Foto profilo
39 0Fotografia europea p...
4 0Alessia's bio
8 0Bio.alocatelli.portf...
5 0Alessia su copertina...
2 0Alessia cv espanol20...
4 0Festival foto 2015, ...
0 0Curatrice progetto a...
48 0Cv.eng.2017
15 0Artsitic direcvtor o...
2 0Jury 2020 verzasca ...
2 0
Chinaru shiota key i...
4 0Leeyoonjung
2 0Extravolti mostra fo...
3 0Mostra fotografica d...
2 0Afran e g.cavalleri ...
2 0Berlin 057
16 0Berlin 050
13 0Berlin 162
17 0Berlin 070
14 0Carlodell[2..
10 0Carlodell[1]..
10 0Giannini1
10 0Gianninialta_dsc9149
6 0Elisa cella b-io a c...
7 0Dsc07589
11 0Dsc07588
15 0Dsc07879
13 0Mostra fotografica d...
2 03.cristina-dona extr...
2 0Alessiaprofilo
4 0Alessia
3 0Casiraghy alberto "...
3 0Leeminhan
4 0Standbridge_twin sis...
2 0
Projcet caramammaeca...
29 0Fotografica11
3 0Forget fear, biennal...
3 0Artista_di_libro
2 0Franco donaggio, int...
5 0Apologia-del-colore ...
1 0Extravolti mostra fo...
1 0Extravolti mostra fo...
1 0Letture portfolio pe...
1 0Locandina niguarda l...
0 0Iul giorn o della co...
1 0Call milano photowee...
0 0Cattaneocorrieremila...
1 0Artistic director bf...
0 0
Designing and organizing events
Alessia Locatelli 01 Jun 2016, 11:05
Photography & art critic/ curator, art buyer, photography and art consulting for professionals, web sites, catalogues, exhibitions
Alessia Locatelli 23 Jun 2015, 14:51
good idea try to contact me!