carmine Rubicco
carmine Rubicco is a Photographer from Novara with >20 years of experience
Description:Stories by nature, journalist by nature, photographer by necessity. So I can summarize myself and I can summarize my work started, now, in the last century. Many the events narrated through the lenses Read more
- 228 Monthly showcase visits
- 234 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 10 Click on links
Stories by nature, journalist by nature, photographer by necessity. So I can summarize myself and I can summarize my work started, now, in the last century. Many the events narrated through the lenses and the 'pen', many places crossed, from Asia to Africa inevitably passing through Europe and Italy, but, above all, many people met and known whom I wear and in spirit a piece of soul. Lots of stories that are still missing and just waiting to be collected. Billions I would say, as billions are people in the world. All have something to say in some way, however my ear is more sensitive to the voices of those who have no voices, to the silent screams of those who suffer and struggle, to the calloused and dirty hands of those who fight every day to have what for many it is normal and obvious. My eye is drawn to the opaque light of those who go unnoticed, to the shadow of those who appear almost transparent. If I had to translate into notes, into music, I would say that jazz notes are what I try to capture in images and words. Jazz but not only, the first love always remains heavy metal. In the pauses between one real story and another, I do not fail to invent the adventures of detective Orovitz, who arrived at the second book, or to travel with the sounds of a jam session.
Portfolio Skills
- CoronaVirus
- Curriculum
- Photos of Sport
- Theater Photos
- Photo editing and photomanipulation
- Google Business Photos
- Reportage Photo
- Photographic portraits
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Photo Furnishings
25 0Dsc_1416_fb
24 0Dsc_0079
21 0Dsc_0005
21 0Dsc_0012
17 0Dsc_1421_1_fb
18 0Dsc_1191_1_fb
15 0
Photos of Sport
13 0Katana
21 0_dsc1182
8 0_dsc5679
8 0_dsc1302
9 0_dsc4078
11 0Dsc_1405_b
17 0Buffon
8 0Del piero
10 0Dsc_2423
4 0Dsc_2608
5 0Dsc_2245
4 0Dsc_2517
4 0Dsc_6824
2 0Dsc_6393
4 0Dsc_6804
4 0Dsc_6526
4 0Dsc_6312
4 0Dsc_6209
5 0Finale mondiale kick...
2 0Finale mondiale kick...
2 0Finale mondiale kick...
2 0Finale mondiale kick...
5 0Mischia lancieri
5 0
Photo Still life
5 0Dsc_0078
6 0Dsc_0121
3 0Dsc_0088
5 0Dsc_0061
7 0Dsc_0094
4 0Dsc_0201
5 0Dsc_0062
5 0Dsc_0093
3 0Dsc_0038
3 0En plein air
2 0Aironi
3 0
Reportage Photo
14 0Dsc_8878
6 0#rom #romania
2 0Morso 2
12 0Dsc_0980
11 0Dsc_8080
13 0Baracca verso phayao...
8 0Dsc_0958
10 0Piccolo donne giraff...
9 0Dsc_0564
7 0Dsc_1771a
8 0Dsc_0854
4 0Dsc_1787a
8 0No entry
6 0Dsc_3602
7 0Dsc_2415
6 0Dsc_6551
4 0Dsc_6387
4 0Dsc_0195b
2 0Dsc_0043
2 0Dsc_0231b
3 014_dsc_3326
1 027_dsc_3245
1 004_dsc_3392
1 0Dsc_1102
1 0Dsc_1134
1 0Dsc_1177
1 0Noto
1 0Messina banco dei pe...
1 0Messina madonna dell...
1 0Trattamento antico16
1 0Trattamento antico6
2 0Trattamento antico20
3 0Trattamento antico18
3 0Trattamento antico2
3 0Trattamento antico
3 0Dsc_1469
2 0Expo
1 0Polveriera 2016 bw
3 0Porta moncenisio
2 0Family
2 0#rompeople #craica #...
4 0#rompeople #craica #...
4 0Dsc09407
1 0Dsc00273
1 0Dsc09136
1 0_dsc8038
0 0_dsc0413
0 0_dsc7388bw
0 0_dsc1708bassa
0 0_dsc4151bassa
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0 0_dsc4157bassa
0 0
Photographic portraits
7 0Dsc_0284_bn
9 0Dsc_8013
8 0Dsc_8729
11 0Dsc_0099
8 0Dsc_8418
10 0Dsc_8502
8 0Dsc_3836
9 0Natura morta
1 0Il_doppio_nodo_7
1 0Il fantasma delle da...
2 0Cibo, prigione o vet...
3 0#forgottentomb cover
3 0