Sauro Sorana Photographer
Sauro Sorana is a Photographer from Milano with >20 years of experience
Description:Fotografo Pubblicitario. Industriale, riprese video per industria. Dal 1980 fotografo.
- 2 Monthly showcase visits
- 15 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 9 Click on links
Fotografo Pubblicitario. Industriale, riprese video per industria.
Dal 1980 fotografo.
Sex: M
Birthday: 19.02.1956
Employer: Fotografo
Years of Experience: >20
Qualification: Diploma Professionale
Internships Available: Si
Portfolio Skills
- CoronaVirus
- Digital Image
- Outdoor photos
- Food&Beverage photos
- Interior photos
- Photo Still life
- Photographic portraits
Favorites showcase
- No commments