sergio caruso Other..
sergio caruso is a Other.. from Milano with < 5 years of experience
Description:Sergio Caruso tel. +39 333 2018 200 email: [email protected] sito web: www.sergiocaruso.it I am a highly skilled design profefessional with big experience in different design areas: graphic Read more
- 63 Monthly showcase visits
- 64 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 1 Click on links
Sergio Caruso
tel. +39 333 2018 200
email: [email protected]
sito web: www.sergiocaruso.it
I am a highly skilled design profefessional with big experience in different design areas: graphic design, product design, colour design, illustration.
All the positions I have worked on over last ten years involved graphic design responsibilities which I have determination for and I am always trying to keep up with the new graphic design techniques and fashion.
I poses great skills in designing advertisements, websites, magazine and brochure, fair booths, brands, posters, etc. which I have been improving working whilest working as a freelancer or an Art Director. In my past work experience i did packaging design and product design and digital or traditional illustrations.
I have good managing skills and I can work independetly as well as a part of the team.
My previous experiences include working for national as well as international level and I am used to communicate in Italien as well as English on a daily bases.
Employer: Libero Professionista
Years of Experience: < 5
Employment Search: Si
Internships Available: No
Portfolio Skills
- Other
- Below the line
- CoronaVirus
- Graphics design
- Illustration
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Graphics design
17 0Avis 1
20 0Eco1
12 0Img_2092_bassaqlt
5 0Lirico1
4 0Pagina ecolight
7 0Prova home 2
5 0Itis1
4 0Avis 3
7 0Prova home 21
6 0Tg3
7 0Tg4
9 0Zeonegativo
7 0Tg1
11 0Avis 2
7 0Copertina catalogo b...
1 0
2 0Copertina def
3 0Cartesio
4 0Ciclista pesce 12
3 0Chigi
4 0Il pianeta delle sci...
7 0Damashee
7 0Night robbery
5 0Mostro scimmia
5 0Manifesto 6x3
4 0