Riccardo Coan Junior Designer
Riccardo Coan is a Junior Designer from Sacile with >10 years of experience
Description:My name is Richard Coan, are a disegnetore space from artistic design to the technical 3D modeling and design, currently working for a company as a technical designer bathroom furniture. My goal is Read more
- 92 Monthly showcase visits
- 96 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 0 Click on links
My name is Richard Coan, are a disegnetore space from artistic design to the technical 3D modeling and design, currently working for a company as a technical designer bathroom furniture.
My goal is to become an independent project and I have a studio.
Sex: M
Employment Search: Si
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Other
- Self-timer Photo
- Below the line
- Brochures and Publications
- Case History
- Press Releases
- Social Communication
- CoronaVirus
- Corporate Identity
- Curriculum
- Photos
- Graphics design
- News
- Packaging
- Product Design
- Promotion
- Stand Fittings
- Web Design
Favorites showcase
- No commments
68 0Base_maniglia+lavabo...
54 0Lavabo
44 0Render_1
38 0Box_10
37 0Box_3
31 0Box_7
27 0Box1
22 0Box_2
24 0Gentelman tennis tat...
18 0Catena tattoo
25 0Geko
17 0Flower
15 0Rosa
12 0Skaman
12 0Fenice
13 0Scritta
32 0Rondine
37 0Maori
37 0Uccellino tv
34 0Scritta
37 0
Brochures and Publications
Graphics design
Tessuto grigio
28 0Tessuto grigio_3
24 0Yacht_deluxe_partico...
25 0Yacht_deluxe_partico...
23 0Yacht_deluxe
21 0Yacht_deluxe_partico...
23 0Yacht_deluxe_partico...
20 01_deluxe
17 0Tavolino_3
15 0Tavolino_1a
14 0Base lavabo
14 0Base lavabo
15 0Base lavabo
12 0Base lavabo
14 0Base lavabo
11 0Base lavabo
13 0Base lavabo
11 0Base lavabo
10 0Base lavabo
10 0Base lavabo
11 0Tavolino_2
11 0Tavolino_1
8 0