Italy > Lombardia > Milano Via Teano 14 Milano 20161

Michele Russo is a Junior Designer from Milano with 5-10 years of experience


After my degree in Industrial Design at Politecnico of Milan, I began working in the technical, style and marketing department of a small shipyard. Then I decided to change job to join a Communication Read more

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After my degree in Industrial Design at Politecnico of Milan, I began working in the technical, style and marketing department of a small shipyard. Then I decided to change job to join a Communication and Events Agency, but after few months I gained the chance to work in an Industrial Design Studio. Since then, my work has been focused on furniture and product design: our project of tables, chairs and sofas were sold to the most prestigious furniture manufacturer. To achieve best personal satisfaction and gratification, I began to work in a different Studio: here I have widened the fields of design, including objects (kitchenware and tableware), sanitaryware (faucets, sinks, bath tubs) and other complements.

In almost 10 years, I gained strong skills in Product and Furniture design (from the freehand drawings to the final 3D-model, used to achieve photorealistic renderings and executives drawing for the prototyping). My passion for technical and executive project give me the motivation to challenge myself. I’m always ready and eager to learn new things, and I like to excel doing things that fulfill me in the best way.

Sex: M

Birthday: 02.12.1982

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano Via Teano 14 Milano 20161
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