Mane Villalobos Junior Designer
Mexico > Chiapas
Tuxtla Gutierrez
Mane Villalobos is a Junior Designer from Tuxtla Gutierrez with < 5 years of experience
Description:I've worked with CabritoSentado. Human, very professional. Patient, attentive, to help at all times. What I want is to help others with the design.
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Showcase Insight
- 44 Monthly showcase visits
- 45 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 2 Click on links
I've worked with CabritoSentado. Human, very professional. Patient, attentive, to help at all times. What I want is to help others with the design.
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Posters
- Other
- Self-timer Photo
- Below the line
- Brochures and Publications
- Case History
- Press Releases
- Social Communication
- CoronaVirus
- Corporate Identity
- Curriculum
- Photos
- Graphics design
- 3D Images
- Merchandising
- News
- Packaging
- Product Design
- Promotion
- Scenographies
- Stand Fittings
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Brochures and Publications
Corporate Identity
3 0Logo3
3 0Sublime
1 0Manual de marca
0 0Paleta de color
0 0Muestras de aplicaci...
0 0Estructura de marca
0 0
Comida del día
10 0Heineken
10 0Arena
8 0Aplastado
8 0Ercotete
8 0Luna
8 0Mariposa
7 0Excelente
4 0Img_0512
3 0Img_0514
3 0Img_0498
5 0Img_0496
3 0Dscn0258
4 0