Italy > Puglia > Taranto

MrWolf84 is a Junior Copy from Taranto with < 5 years of experience


After 5 years of work at the call center of Enel Electric Service, I decided to dismiss me, with the desire to find a rewarding job, a job I always wanted to do, that could stimulate my mind and do Read more

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After 5 years of work at the call center of Enel Electric Service, I decided to dismiss me, with the desire to find a rewarding job, a job I always wanted to do, that could stimulate my mind and do not leave me in the evening,
with the idea of have wasted time just to take money. To travel and see different places and cultures, has always been my passion and I think that this should be one of the primary purposes of the life of every man. I always had a strong imagination, and since the tender age I have been passionate about cinema, music, photography, writing, human psyche, subliminal messages and the dream state world;
After taking the High School Diploma, I decided to enroll in university for take a degree in computer science
and digital communication; during the course of study, I wanted to participate at the Erasmus Program, this
project has allowed me, with great sacrifice, to live for 5 months in the fabulous Liverpool (UK), to gain unique experience of integration with different cultures, speaking in English diligently and prepare the thesis.
If my qualifications had to satisfy your business needs, you will be able contact me at the address mail.
Therefore I attach my C.V. in conjunction with authorization for the treatment of my personal data for your selection needs.
Thanking you for your attention dedicated to me, I remain available for an interview and I extend cordial regards.

Employer: Libero Professionista

Years of Experience: < 5

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Puglia > Taranto
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