Italy > Veneto > Vicenza

Alberto Brazzale is a Illustrator from Dueville with 5-10 years of experience


I am a versatile, ambitious and curious person. These qualities encourage me to search for new challenges and professional relationships which widen my creative culture and I believe they could also Read more

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I am a versatile, ambitious and curious person. These qualities encourage me to search for new challenges and professional relationships which widen my creative culture and I believe they could also prove invaluable to you.
I am punctual and I always meet deadlines which is an essential requirement to do this job.
I feel that I have taste and inventiveness which, together with the excellent technical ability in drawing, stimulate me in finding new motivations to reach the best result at professional level.
I strongly believe in the absolute power of the IDEA as origin of the whole creative process and basic platform of Design and Communication possibilities.

Sex: M

Birthday: 17.02.1984

Employer: Illustratore

Years of Experience: 5-10

Qualification: Diploma Professionale

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

Portfolio Skills

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Graphics design



Address : Italy > Veneto > Vicenza
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