Italy > Piemonte > Torino

Cesare Lo Monaco is a Illustrator from Torino with >20 years of experience


CESAR Cesare Lo Monaco, aka CESAR, advertising and communication graphics maturity, freelance, Illustrator, cartoonist and humorist. He lives in Turin and made his debut in Milan at a very young age Read more

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Cesare Lo Monaco, aka CESAR, advertising and communication graphics maturity, freelance, Illustrator, cartoonist and humorist. He lives in Turin and made his debut in Milan at a very young age in the world of comics and publishing, initially collaborating for Mondadori on the weekly magazines Topolino and Dolly. Author of various series, He illustrates school books, comics and fairy tales for children for various publishing houses and magazines such as Piemme, Corriere dei Piccoli, Messaggero dei Ragazzi, Bulletin, Panorama, Enigmistica Più, Agenda Smemoranda. He makes cartoons in a humorous key for various advertising campaigns. It is present in the Dictionary of Contemporary Illustrators, published by the "Documentation Center of Contemporary Illustration. Present and appreciated by the jury at the national literary artistic competition" Leonardo da Vinci's fantastic animals ":

Employer: Illustratore

Years of Experience: >20

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: No

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Illustrations for children

Illustrations for children

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Address : Italy > Piemonte > Torino
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