Italy > Puglia > Taranto

Cuore di Grafica is a Illustrator from Taranto with >10 years of experience


C-creativity: my mission. U- until the end of the way... passion, experimentation: my daily commitment, O-observing horizons that become wider. I live: R- researching and reflecting. E - Read more

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C-creativity: my mission.
U- until the end of the way... passion, experimentation: my daily commitment,
O-observing horizons that become wider. I live:
R- researching and reflecting.
E - expressing emotions and ideas with:
G-graphic novel
R-rhymes and stories for children and boys.
A-accompany my path:
F-faith and practice in teaching, also in Grafite KIDS, school of drawing and comics for children.
I-instagram sees me present as # CuorediGrafica-ARTS
C- come on: I always find myself at the beginning, at the letter A.
A-note: A like ART !!

Employer: Altro...

Years of Experience: >10

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

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Address : Italy > Puglia > Taranto
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