andrea moresco Illustrator
andrea moresco is a Illustrator from Savona with 5-10 years of experience
Description:I'm an illustrator/graphic freelance, I live in Sanremo (Italy) and feel free to contact me if you have any professional question [email protected] I'VE WORKED WITH: Birrificio Read more
- 359 Monthly showcase visits
- 506 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 3 Click on links
I'm an illustrator/graphic freelance, I live in Sanremo (Italy) and feel free to contact me if you have any professional question
[email protected]
Birrificio Nadir
Audioporn Records
Beat Machine Records
Edizioni Zem
Wired Italia
The Portland Mercury Rev
Accademia Belle Arti di Bologna
Croce d'oro cervo
CGIL Sanremo
Officine ottiche italiane
Area510 Clothing
Pump This Bologna
Massimo Ricci Studio Grafico
Terre di Mezzo
- Zupi Art Issue n°25 (Brazil) fama.zupi.com.br/fama
- Kult n°4 (Singapore) www.kult.com.sg
- Playcrew Magazine n°4 (Switzerland) www.playcrew.ch
- Interstizi Magazine n° “Sporco” (Italy) www.interstizimagazine.com
- BangArt n°5 – sezione T.N.T. (Italy) www.coniglioeditore.it/riviste/bang-art-n5
- Karmapillz (Italy) www.myspace.com/karmapillz
- Urban Style Mag n°13 (Greece) www.urbanstylemag.gr
- The Skinny n°82 (Scotland) www.theskinny.co.uk
- Frigidaire n°245 (Italy) www.frigomag.it
- Il Nuovo Male n°11 (Italy) www.frigolandia.eu
- The Portland Mercury n°14 (U.s.a.) www.portlandmercury.com
- Wired 05.2013 (Italy) www.wired.it
- *ner0blio* #0 black zine (Germany) www.facebook.com/kunstkabinet451
- Andrea Moresco - personal exhibition - Sottovento, Pavia
- Sopra i tetti come i gatti - personal exhibition - Hotel Nazionale, Sanremo
- Unkode Live Graphic Contest / MI Street Souls - contest - Milano Ex Ansaldo
- San Remo Tattoo Convention - personal exhibition - San Remo Palafiori
- RoBot Festival 06 - personal exhibition - Elastico, Bologna
- Exit Strategy - collective exhibition - Arteria. Bologna
- Megie Staff Present - collective exhibition - Fantomars Arte Accessibile
- Megie Staff Present - collective exhibition - Time Art Aperitive” Cortile Cafè. Bologna
- Four Years Pump This - collective exhibition - Galleria Forni. Bologna
- Andrea Moresco aka El Moro - personal exhibition - Arteria. Bologna
- Cheap - street poster art collective exhibition - Bologna
Employer: Libero Professionista
Years of Experience: 5-10
Employment Search: Si
Internships Available: No
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Posters
- Other
- Caricature
- CoronaVirus
- Digital Image
- Publishing
- Graphics design
- Illustration
- Book illustrations
- Illustrations for children
- Packaging
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Perinaldo notte drui...
141 0Nel bosco immaginari...
97 0Croce d'oro corsi 2...
83 0Il parcheggio delle ...
79 0Il ritorno di bajard...
46 0Teatro
18 0Poster
9 0
76 0Inri
67 0Inri
62 0Inri
55 0Inri
55 0Inri
57 0Inri
48 0Hate - ignorance
51 0Hate - ignorance
43 0Hate - ignorance
46 0Hate - ignorance
46 0Hate skate
34 0Hate - skate
39 0B1
35 0Gun love tote bag
32 0Putrescenza post coi...
27 0Gun love pillow
30 0Skate invasion
26 0Meno rose più weeda
19 0Superacideformed
33 0Abuse of drugs
31 0A girl with a dog
26 0Poco loco
32 0Dirty tek
33 0Incidere nel sangue
33 0Scarpe
34 0Scarpe2
25 0Chaos shoes
34 0Rattakilla
26 0Cheap art festival
29 0Cartacce
32 0Blood
25 0Tattoo
33 0
Ruby in the sky with...
32 0Banana republic
35 0Belpietro
31 0Gasparri
25 0Italia a puttane
31 0Berlusconi
32 0Lsc
23 0Casta
9 0
Digital Image
Santa committenza pa...
23 0Santa bastarda
31 0Ki mona
25 0Pop idol
23 0Tekno skull system
28 0L'unico parlamentar...
30 0Bile
3 0Cuore
6 0
30 02
23 03
19 04
18 05
17 0Copertina
14 0Retro copertina
16 01gennaio
18 0Febbraio
15 0Marzo
17 0Aprile
18 0Maggio
14 0Giugno
12 0Luglio
10 0Agosto
12 0Settembre
15 010ottobre
16 011novembre
14 0Dicembre
20 0Retrointerno
10 0Retroxterno
11 0Copertina
8 0Retro copertina
10 0Gennaio
12 0Febbraio
17 0Marzo
11 0Aprile
8 0Maggio
11 0Giugno
13 0Luglio
11 0Agosto
10 0Settembre
9 0Ottobre
8 0Novembre
6 0Dicembre
5 0Bonus staccabile
8 0Retro
3 0The skinny mag
11 0Cover
6 0
Graphics design
Unkode contest
5 0Genetic corruption
9 0Halloween night
2 0Audioporn records ja...
5 0Retro
3 0Fronte
2 0Flyerfronte
12 0Flyerretro
10 0Adventures
2 01° maggio fest v.2
1 0Serata inaugurale
5 01° maggio fest v.2 ...
5 0Nicholas
5 0Immagine x itunes
3 0Tetro
3 0Davide laura live
0 0Img_20170227_113854_...
15 2
Ottobre fronte
10 0Ottobre retro
13 0Black is the warmest...
9 0Novembre fronte
10 0Black is the warmest...
11 0Novembre retro
7 0Astrologynaut
12 0Tokimonsta in milan
9 0Dicembre fronte
6 0Dicembre retro
9 0Gennaio fronte
11 0Gennaio retro
11 0Febbraio fronte
10 0Hate
12 0Febbraio retro
7 0Lo.ve.
10 0Marzo fronte
5 0Marzo retro
6 0Bajval
3 0Aprile fronte
8 0Beltane
2 0Aprile retro
10 0Brigit
2 0Maggioweb1
5 0Bajardixliberesix
4 0Sahmani
7 0Bajardix
8 0Valentinix
11 0Lalchimista
12 0Xilent flyer design
17 0Lugh
8 0Fox stevenson
16 0Incidere nel sangue
13 0Oh my club
19 0Doctor p
22 0Future? no!
8 0Distinto paterno
10 0Foto ricordo di un'...
9 0Pollaio flyer
10 0No title
8 0Dj killer
2 0Wtf maranza banana ?
10 0Obv crew
23 0Nicholas and soulshi...
20 0Mystical pop
8 0Nicholas and soulshi...
5 0Lsd
6 021465650429_db6df3c4...
2 0Iradidio n°4
14 0Nicholas&soulshine
0 0Iradidio n°4
8 0Fronte
1 0Don't call me chick...
8 0Retro
4 0Tammazzo l'anima di...
9 0Cdc433310aa040ab7df6...
3 0Sognavo che mi porta...
10 0C6ad31dee8c3d1404efa...
4 0Ladra di cuori
6 05a090f8e3ecec8642a73...
5 0Spy fake pussy
8 029fa3ab70af10849c369...
4 0Porno
11 031a6deb1cfc151aa59bf...
12 0Inf
2 0Kill all the hipster
6 099387bcc99a1439b3952...
12 1Acid lunch
8 0Dd4ecab9b5e9d9198cdd...
11 0My lovely gray life
7 0Burnin' a cilum
11 0Urban rattakilla
9 0Fake tekno girl nigh...
5 0Dirty tek
9 0La nutritrice
7 0Human machine
8 0Gioia di bimba
7 0Disprezzo in due
4 0I hate who i loved
9 0Santa del tradimento
11 0Fight for freedom
5 0Wait! lindsey
6 0I'm god
7 0Mechs sound system
8 0White tek rabbit
8 0Bios mag
5 0Fish&trip
3 0B i o s
7 0Polipus acidus
7 0The queen of my hear...
8 0Television can shock...
9 0Invasion italy
3 0Acidomifai
7 0Animagination
8 0Psychotronic
12 0It's religion baby
6 0Relax
10 0Drown in her madly
9 0Afm_love
6 0Afm_posterart
7 0Afm_fuparade
8 0Culo a mandolino
6 0Gonorrah
4 0Gestapp
11 1No title
13 0
Illustrations for children
Katana girl
14 0Parto malato
8 0Favola per bimbi cat...
11 0Little alien
8 0Alien toxic invasion
4 0Maggioweb2
7 0
Tsinoshibar.it logo ...
18 0L2
1 0L3
1 0L5
2 0L8
1 0L11
2 0L15
2 0L13
1 0L6
2 0L10
1 0L18
2 0L26
2 0L17
2 0L20
1 0L23
1 0L25
1 0L28
1 0L21
1 0L29
1 0L34
1 0L33
1 0L35
1 0L36
1 0L42
3 0L37
3 0L39
4 0L32
2 0
Lynch kingsley - mak...
2 0Lynch kingsley - mak...
0 0Lynch kingsley - mak...
0 0Lynch kingsley - mak...
2 0Lynch kingsley - mak...
1 0Lynch kingsley - mak...
1 0Jacka33print
6 0Beat33print
1 0Dorata33print
0 0Costa75print
0 0Porta33print
4 0Pedalhop33print
7 0Srhc
7 0Brigata75print
7 0Nonnatuno75print
9 0Alexandovna33print
13 0Etichetta montefolli...
3 0Nonna tuno
2 0Pedalhop
1 0Nonna tuno
3 0D'orata
5 0Costa balenae
2 012
2 0Logo+birrificio
6 0Mix
1 0Srhc
3 0Cd audio book
9 0Alexandrovna
0 0Cd audio cartoncino ...
10 0Cd audio packaging
6 1
In Vendita
Hard gore
Price : 20,00€A girl with a dog
Price : 20,00€Overlove overdose
Price : 20,00€Alone in the park
Price : 20,00€Ass-licking
Price : 20,00€Also mc mouse love d...
Price : 20,00€Be wrong be strong
Price : 20,00€Duck face
Price : 20,00€Life is short
Price : 20,00€Psychonauta
Price : 20,00€Relax
Price : 20,00€