Italy > Marche > Pesaro e urbino Via marche Orciano di pesaro 61038

Giovanni Nori is a Illustrator from Orciano di pesaro with >10 years of experience


John Nori was born in Fano in 1980. He attended the Institute of Art in Urbino in 1999, graduating in film animation. In the two years following, he attended a two-year training at the same institute. Read more

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John Nori was born in Fano in 1980. He attended the Institute of Art in Urbino in 1999, graduating in film animation. In the two years following, he attended a two-year training at the same institute. He participated in various exhibitions in the Marche region. In 2003 he was selected in the international competition "CIRCUS" Organized by the Cultural Theatre of the city of Chioggia. In 2006 he was selected for the competition "THE FLEA" organized by the association of Cassano IRFEA the Ionian Sea. In the same year he won the 1 st prize in painting "THE CAT" sponsored by the City Council of Cesenatico. Also in 2006 he won the 1 st prize at the "FIRE" OPERAX promoted by the city of Pesaro. Selected at 1 painting competition "ARTELAGUNA". Third place in the international competition organized by ARENA OF CABIN illustration of Bologna. 2 ° place in the competition Illustration / stories "FICTION and SURROUNDINGS." Illustration selected for the competition "CALENDAR 2007" Knights of the association of the city of Parma treadmill. It deals with graphic design and illustration also taking workshops for children. He has published Neftasia publisher, Zampanera editor, publisher and Wolf Camelopardus publisher. Lives and works in Orciano of Pesaro.

Sex: M

Birthday: 19.12.1980

Employer: Illustratore

Years of Experience: >10

Qualification: Diploma Professionale

Internships Available: No

Portfolio Skills

Favorites showcase

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Brochures and Publications


Photo editing and photomanipulation



Graphics design


Illustrations for children

Illustrations for children



Photographic portraits

Address : Italy > Marche > Pesaro e urbino Via marche Orciano di pesaro 61038
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