Germany > Berlin Berlino 10719

Marta Monelli is a Illustrator from Berlino with 5-10 years of experience


Marta Monelli was born in Busto Arsizio in 1981. She attended art school in the same city. After earning a PhD in psychology she decided to resume her artistic career and subsequently graduated at Read more

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Marta Monelli was born in Busto Arsizio in 1981. She attended art school in the same city. After earning a PhD in psychology she decided to resume her artistic career and subsequently graduated at "Scuola del Fumetto", a famous comic school in Milan. Since then Marta worked actively as a freelancer illustrator for publishing houses, creative studios, design studios and post-productions. Sometimes she has fun writing children's stories. In 2008 Marta gave her contribute as a character designer in the production of a short film, "EMET". "EMET" was produced by Bonsaininja Studio and won one of the two 2009 editions of CGSOCIETY.ORG sponsored international contest: “Steampunk – Myths and Legends“. In 2009 Marta's first book, "Lentiggini" (Edigiò - 2008), won the first place in the illustration section of "Cento's children literature award", an important Italian award that has international resonance. Even if Children's illustration still remains her first love, Marta is becoming interested and involved in animation and video: she is fascinated by moving images and she's starting to plan the production of her own animated short film. Clients: Alice DSL - Germany, Edigiò, Camelopardus Casa Editrice, Passepartout Edizioni. TD Studio, Bonsaininja Studio, Proxima Milano, Dodo Design. Clients: Alice DSL - Germany, Edigiò, Camelopardus Casa Editrice, Passepartout Edizioni. TD Studio, Bonsaininja Studio, Proxima Milano, Dodo

Birthday: 09.07.1981

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Illustrations for children

Illustrations for children

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Address : Germany > Berlin Berlino 10719
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