Italy > Sicilia > Trapani Erice Casa Santa

Roberto Ciaramitaro is a Graphic designer from Erice Casa Santa with years of experience


Hi, i'm Roberto Ciaramitaro, i'm a young graphic designer from 3 years. I've done many studies and many graphic's work, that had me so much experience. My study are: Higher qualification post School Read more

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Hi, i'm Roberto Ciaramitaro, i'm a young graphic designer from 3 years. I've done many studies and many graphic's work, that had me so much experience.
My study are:
Higher qualification post School leaving certificate like graphic designer
Certificate Adobe® on advanced use of Adobe Photoshop
School leaving certificate graphic designer
Excellent use of: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Corel Draw and Office suite;
Good use of: Adobe DreamWeaver, Auditio, Premiere and AfterEffects.
Great adaptability, and good knwoledge of English language.

Contact to: 3290470836 [email protected]

Sex: M

Birthday: 26.06.1993

Employer: Disoccupato

Years of Experience:

Qualification: Diploma Professionale

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

Portfolio Skills

  • Posters
  • Self-timer Photo
  • Brochures and Publications
  • Caricature
  • CoronaVirus
  • Events Exhibitions Stand
  • Photos
  • Food&Beverage photos
  • Photo editing and photomanipulation
  • Graphics design
  • Packaging
  • Spot Video TV
  • Web Design

Favorites showcase

  • No commments


Self-timer Photo

Brochures and Publications


Events Exhibitions Stand


Food&Beverage photos

Photo editing and photomanipulation

Graphics design


Spot Video TV

Web Design

Address : Italy > Sicilia > Trapani Erice Casa Santa
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