Giovanni Potenza Graphic designer
Giovanni Potenza is a Graphic designer from Vietri sul Mare (Costa d'Amalfi) with >10 years of experience
Description:I am a graphic designer, graduated as a catalog of Cultural Heritage and Architectural Survey I obtained several masters, seminars and workshops related to the world of graphics. Since 2007 I own a Read more
- 208 Monthly showcase visits
- 320 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 32 Click on links
I am a graphic designer, graduated as a catalog of Cultural Heritage and Architectural Survey I obtained several masters, seminars and workshops related to the world of graphics.
Since 2007 I own a graphic design studio, decoration and digital printing "Emporio Kreativo Design" where I can express my creativity and technique. My work consists mainly in creation of corporate identity for companies and construction of artwork for advertising and interior design. In addition to my corporate job in recent years I have felt the need to pursue my own projects. I spend hours on end sketching drawings and illustrations by creating characters and fantastic worlds. This passion stems from a desire not to devote myself exclusively to commercial projects, simply to create something that depended only on my stylistic choices and at the same time I identified.
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Exhibition stands
- Other
- Brochures and Publications
- CoronaVirus
- Corporate Identity
- Digital Image
- Graphics design
- Illustration
- Packaging
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Pubblicita-web empor...
215 1Pubblicita-web2 empo...
128 0Emporiokreativoweb 0...
100 1Fascia-web (2)
89 0Proposta01
101 0Limoni
73 0Coin giovanni potenz...
70 0Wall street manifest...
66 0Trafiletto-wall-stre...
61 0Tre
54 0Vela-aminotonic-11
53 0Retro6previtamin-plu...
53 0Maltoflor
47 0Previtamin-gocce-ret...
39 0Aminotonic-modifica6...
38 0Emporio-kreativo-for...
41 0
Exhibition stands
44 103-web
42 001-web
39 0Esempio-grafica-12
41 0Adesivi intagliati02
35 1La cornice 01
48 0Web03- la cornice em...
34 0Web01 la cornice emp...
33 0Magic fantasy03
46 0Magic fantasy01
42 0Pag26
27 0Pag24
30 0Pag25
28 0Pag28
29 0Pag27
31 0Pag 20
29 0Pag3 (wm acquatic) u...
28 0Pag4
29 0Pag 16
28 0Pag12 cat
26 0Pag13 cat
27 0Pag17
29 0Pag15
24 0Pag18 cat
24 0Pag19
23 0Pag22cat
22 0Pag21
22 0Pag14 cat
18 0Pag 9 bar
18 0Pag10 cat
18 0Pag5
22 0Pag8
19 0Pag7
18 0
Digital Image
Welcome to egypt
32 0Welcome to egypt 03
31 0Particolare4
29 0Particolare013
27 0Telefono
25 0Giovanni_potenza01
26 0Face hq
22 0Sexy witche hq
20 0Men hq
22 0Katy-perry-speed-pai...
13 0Speedpainting-transf...
12 0Speed-painting-roman...
9 0Speed painting beyon...
12 0Art glass woman
9 0Old witches hq
20 0Nature 01
17 0Nature 02
19 0Nature 03
18 0Nosense02
17 0Teenagers-artwork--i...
14 0Meganfox
14 0Gum
13 0Jesus
16 01) te quiero
12 0Surreal-woman
12 0Pattern-graph-space0...
14 0Butterfly giovanni p...
13 0I o vodka iphone
13 0Artwork-futurelaptop...
12 0Lounge_giovanni-pote...
13 0New-york-giovanni-po...
14 0Crazy cake web
12 0Crazy cake web03
15 0Crazy cake web02
15 0Giovanni_potenza
17 0Woman pyramid
17 0London-artwork_giova...
14 0Particolare1
15 0Cherry-artwork-2007
9 0Nicola-freehand
13 0Proposta concorso ci...
9 0Citta del vino def
12 0
Graphics design
19 03-astudio-02
18 0Invito-cartellina
19 0Mod01
18 0Mod02
17 0Mod03
13 0Saxarte
16 0Saxarte-mod
16 0Grafica_fronte01
15 0Assitur2
11 0Logo4-7
12 0Assitur0
11 0Delizie02
13 0Depliant
13 0San-valentino-1-loca...
12 0Magic-fantasy-insegn...
13 0Centro-estetico-bold...
11 0Vietri doc banner 03
11 02013-09-09 18.49
11 0Mod03
11 0Mod04
11 0Mangio-i-colori-01
13 0Mangio-i-colori-02
12 0Beatrice-trio-web-mo...
12 0Volantini-eat
8 0Food3
12 0Food2
11 0Food1
11 0Folder03
10 0Massimo damico1
9 0Web-mario3
10 0Web-mario
10 02013-06-03 17.51.41
10 0Mod-web
8 0Pub-sud-est-web-ok2
8 0Pub sud est web
7 0Folder02
11 0Folder01
12 0Folder04
8 0Eco-del-mare-2
6 0Eco-del-mare-3
6 0Fcopertina-5def
7 0Eco-del-mare-4
7 0Mod02
7 0Mod01
9 0Delizia 01
8 0Jazz-quartet
7 0Delizia 02-
10 0Modificata
9 0Capodanno 2013 modif...
5 0Scuola
4 0Scuola-02
6 0Mod01
6 0Righello
5 0Block-notes
5 0Studio-danza-2013
5 0Festa-del-norcino4
6 08-marzo2
5 0Presepe manifesto02
9 0Modifica-speciale--v...
8 0
As eriko
17 0Img_4687
15 0Img_4691
12 0Batty
15 0Img_4683
18 0Img_4694
16 0Img_4696
21 0As-world
18 0Img_4716
15 0Spy
18 0As-eriko02
12 0
Logotipo panna e cio...
22 0Logo food we want
22 0Healt food project
23 0Hoponopono
26 0Scrilu gioielli arti...
24 0Cafe foe
23 0I-love-ekd1
14 0Valle camonica2
17 0Digitpa1
15 0As logo
15 0Banner1
17 0Sporting club4
16 0Logotipo 3astudio fo...
18 0Logo delizia
14 0Logo1
15 0Orodischia_bygiovann...
0 0