Chile > Roma Santiago

Monita is a Graphic designer from Santiago with 5-10 years of experience


Graphic Designer with experience in design and programming web sites, Flash and HTML.Creativity and innovation, providing simple, estetic and functional designs. Also has experience in Advetising Read more

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Graphic Designer with experience in design and programming web sites, Flash and HTML.Creativity and innovation, providing simple, estetic and functional designs. Also has experience in Advetising Design, developing mailins and editorial ads. Branding and Corporative Design experience. Also worked in sales and product design and confection.Committed with her work and able to make the rigth desicion, in design and functionality, obtaining good quality designs. Has a tight relationship with her clients, giving a personalized service.Seeks for development in Web and Corporate Design, Advertising and Digital Marketing.

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Address : Chile > Roma Santiago
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