Italy > Umbria > Perugia Spoleto

Andrea Silvestri is a Graphic designer from Spoleto with < 5 years of experience


Hello, my name is Andrea and I am a Graphicl Designer. I could easily occupy your company, creating you ad hoc communication systems, Web, TV and print. I'm also in the field of multimedia Read more

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Hello, my name is Andrea and I am a Graphicl Designer. I could easily occupy your company, creating you ad hoc communication systems, Web, TV and print. I'm also in the field of multimedia interaction. Creathead thank you for this showcase.

Sex: M

Birthday: 07.10.1984

Employer: Altro...

Years of Experience: < 5

Qualification: Media Superiore

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

Portfolio Skills

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Photo editing and photomanipulation

Graphics design

Web Design

Address : Italy > Umbria > Perugia Spoleto
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