Benedetta Carugati Artist
Benedetta Carugati is a Artist from Tradate with years of experience
Description:Benedetta Carugati [email protected] 3409671494 FB: https://www.facebook.com/benedetta.carugati WEB: http://carugatibenedetta.wix.com/animarte Bachelor degree in Scenography, Academy of Fine Read more
- 111 Monthly showcase visits
- 132 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 19 Click on links
Benedetta Carugati
[email protected] 3409671494
FB: https://www.facebook.com/benedetta.carugati
WEB: http://carugatibenedetta.wix.com/animarte
Bachelor degree in Scenography, Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan
1° Place: Festival of owls
Category: Bodypainting Brush and sponge
3° Place : WorldBodypainting Festival in Portschach am see (Austria) 2014
Category: special effect / Bodypainting
2° Place : Italian Bodypainting Festival, Bardolino 2014
Category: Brush and sponge
Design and construction sets and set-ups
Bodypainting, special make up effects and special local events
Performance art on body
Bodyface and body painting for photographs
Painting and decoration of the Committee
Portfolio Skills
- CoronaVirus
- Photos
- Performance
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Video Art
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Luna ph fabrizio bia...
36 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
40 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
48 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
73 0
World bodypainting f...
39 0Hf4bgv4jurn2sbvki8pd...
22 010563431_66841554656...
26 010487283_67688960239...
21 0World bodypainting f...
18 0World bodypainting 2...
21 0Wbf 2013 4° classif...
17 0992916_1020103074124...
21 0Wbpf 2013 2° classi...
21 010463883_67689097572...
20 0World bodypainting 2...
19 0375587_4721032994691...
21 0Wbf 2012
16 008. juli 2012-18-37-...
21 01970514_102023260161...
17 0Swiss bodypainting f...
21 0Official2316
20 010590431_10203726558...
26 010556476_66818530660...
22 010553322_69878754017...
24 010534160_14437072125...
25 0Italian bodypainting...
25 010377616_68960811775...
22 010366131_67600182912...
31 0Festival dei gufi 20...
24 01394080_102001127713...
31 010342403_14469690422...
23 0Action painting even...
37 01382205_102001964317...
22 01379452_102001060380...
23 01378618_102001964311...
25 0Evento
23 0Img_0643
24 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
22 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
21 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
22 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
22 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
20 0Fiori fabrizio biagg...
22 0Elena 5
21 0Festival abano terme
21 0Ll
22 0Jungle vetrine
105 0Jungle interno
107 0Holleween
101 0Quadri
95 0Fondali
93 0Rassegna nazionale d...
89 0Yuta
83 0
Video Art