Italy > Lombardia > Milano

Luigi Consolandi is a Artist from Milano with 5-10 years of experience


Luigi experiences the territories of the everyday life and his own space, the house, through the digital revolution. The choice of Luigi Consolandi, born in Milan 1984, where he gradueted in painting Read more

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Luigi experiences the territories of the everyday life and his own space, the house, through the digital revolution.
The choice of Luigi Consolandi, born in Milan 1984, where he gradueted in painting at the Accademia di belle arti di Brera, is quite extraordinary. Since the earliest years of study, he worked using simple materials that were related to the family enviroment, by creating through the video, painting ecc. and project after project he created the map of the house-territory he lives in, and which he explores and contextualizes his personal action towards the world.

Employer: Libero Professionista

Years of Experience: 5-10

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano
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