Roberto Carlocchia Artist
Roberto Carlocchia is a Artist from Potenza Picena with >20 years of experience
Description:www.robertocarlocchia.com email: [email protected] ph.:+393337046172 I am an artist, graphic designer and painter who realizes: Paintings of small and large formats, paintings on Read more
- 533 Monthly showcase visits
- 929 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 27 Click on links
email: [email protected]
I am an artist, graphic designer and painter who realizes:
Paintings of small and large formats, paintings on canvas, canvasses or wooden boxes.
Color drawings and black and white. Silkscreens limited editions.
Editorial illustrations, technical drawings and book covers.
Trademark design, corporate identity, advertising, pagination catalogs, brochures, packaging, merchandising, retouching and executive for printing.
Also realization, on commission, the decorations and theme parties.
Employer: Libero Professionista
Years of Experience: >20
Employment Search: No
Internships Available: No
Portfolio Skills
- Posters
- Other
- CoronaVirus
- Curriculum
- Digital Image
- Photos
- Graphics design
- Packaging
- Painting
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Orangered juice-insi...
47 0Kiwiinsideout
35 1Melogranoinsideout
35 1Ananasinsideout
28 1Nel giardino del tem...
29 0Aspirazioni sottosop...
57 1Rigenerazione
42 1Lascalairidata
51 11990ultimodecennio
28 1ClassicitÃ
28 1Intempo
24 1Catscradleday
29 1Catscradlenight
32 1Maremostrum
29 1Inquinamento1972
24 1Monacoolimpiadi1972
24 1Monumentoalleroe74
23 1Lalucefarodellavita
28 1Nuovoeden80
30 1Americandream
30 0Seminando
31 1Duesquarci
34 0Sos16
18 0Dna_fruttogenesi16
22 0Controsensionair
61 1Aironi
27 1Approdoutopie
74 1Utopie specchiate
15 1Arcodeltempo
41 1Ilportodelleutopie
41 1Battibeccoteatrale
50 1Lanottedeisogni
43 1Pantoneonmymind
41 1Futuribilereset
70 1Pescionair
26 1L'albero dove volan...
36 1Lib(e)riamocidallain...
39 1Melamorfosi
51 1
41 0Pa300520.jpg
37 0P8050132.jpg
34 0Img_0264.jpg
34 0Img_0758.jpg
33 0P8050131.jpg
33 0P8050033.jpg
33 1Img_0930.jpg
33 0Img_1509.jpg
33 1Img_2193
32 1Img_0929.jpg
33 1Img_1529.jpg
33 0P8050121.jpg
34 0Img_0962.jpg
35 0Img_0848.jpg
38 1Img_0965.jpg
36 1Img_1696
35 1Img_0948.jpg
34 1P8050131vir
34 1Bicibici
21 1
Digital Image
Graphics design
39 1Intfolderlineapiu
39 1Copprofilerobcar
39 1Int1profilerobcar
33 0Int2profilerobcar
33 0Int3profilerobcar
35 0Esterno pieghevole m...
30 0Interno pieghevole m...
33 0Cat_frame_interno-30
32 0Formaz
30 0Etich_jerolim_rosso
27 0Etich_ki_biancok
25 0Cartelloframe
27 0Posterfreccia
27 0Frecciaauguri
25 0Invito mostra rob
26 0Pagartesett1
28 1Invito inaugurazione
26 0Cartella euroufficio
29 0Calend2016
27 1Internogipifolder
11 0Copertinagipifolder
23 1Coperturavetrinapies...
25 1Teaser_vetrina eurou...
26 1Vignett gadget eurou...
22 1Allegato broch
23 1
109 16x3euroufficionatale...
76 06x3euroufficiobuffet...
61 1Musicadamangiare_1c-...
56 1Locandina mostra a3
52 06x3eurouffnatale15.p...
48 1Locnataleluca
44 0Calend2016
44 1Piaceri&saporitempor...
39 0Manif caprese new
33 06x3euroufficioprossa...
36 1Mostra foto onofri g
30 1P&s manifesto
39 16x3euroufficionatale...
43 1
44 1Gallery_robertocarlo...
43 0Bio_robertocarlocchi...
44 1News_robertocarlocch...
44 1Info_robertocarlocch...
43 0
Hotel grassetti logo
33 0Logo freccia
31 0Logomakeup
29 0Starplast-logo
27 0Eurofficiologo
27 0Marchio logo piaceri...
30 0Frame logo
28 0Et caffè sprint
30 0Et liquirizia
30 1