Mario Bresciani Artist
Mario Bresciani is a Artist from Capriano del colle with >20 years of experience
Description:Artist eclectic classically trained academic, expert in applied arts. Painter, restorer, designer, sculptor (Statue, architectures), production designer cinema / theater, props maker, artist mockup. Read more
- 159 Monthly showcase visits
- 552 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 10 Click on links
Artist eclectic classically trained academic, expert in applied arts.
Painter, restorer, designer, sculptor (Statue, architectures), production designer cinema / theater, props maker, artist mockup. cartoonist in his spare time .. (Very few).
If you look for constructive creativity .. concretization of ideas, even socks, but only in limited geographical area on the planet earth .. Happy ..! Have under-click the right person.
Portfolio Skills
- Other
- Self-timer Photo
- CoronaVirus
- Interior Decorating
- Graphics design
- Performance
- Painting
- Sculpture
Favorites showcase
- No commments
My new flyer..!
52 0Flyer retro 1
49 035107_12534430417581...
42 037670_12561953414829...
40 064986_34304992907191...
36 04321_1061112973407_3...
37 0Macc. leonardesca
34 0644334_4445464289222...
33 034755_12532173084474...
34 0420794_3430499757385...
34 0Gogna medievale
31 0Dsc00856_5
29 0Dsc00883
30 0Dsc00843_25
28 034755_12532172417807...
26 034250_12561974081493...
27 0Marbre lab
23 0531946_4818390018596...
21 04321_1061183455169_5...
20 034333_12532204417804...
19 034502_12532181751139...
17 034755_12532174417807...
22 015149_1159886322679_...
19 015149_1157881112550_...
17 08316_1131644096641_5...
17 015149_1159886122674_...
16 0Brocca cesellata
16 037670_12561955414829...
12 015149_1161126953694_...
14 034755_12532175084473...
14 0Cassapanca '600
17 0425083_3430479724054...
16 034755_12532175417807...
15 034502_12532181417806...
16 034333_12532203751137...
15 034333_12532202751137...
15 0599328_4181729948929...
19 0Gabbia in ferro medi...
17 034157_12532149417809...
18 0Macchina volante
19 0Macchina volante leo...
16 034333_12532204084470...
14 034333_12532203417804...
14 034295_12561937414830...
12 0Scultura
11 034502_12532182084473...
11 0Sceno smooth9
11 034502_12532182417806...
9 034755_12532173751140...
7 0522940_4639319903170...
10 0483402_4818382251930...
7 0418539_3431634690605...
8 037670_12561955081495...
7 034755_12532172084474...
6 0Scenografia work in ...
20 0
Self-timer Photo
25 037670_12561953081496...
21 0Disegno preparatorio
30 037355_12534380084253...
29 07516_1128423496128_7...
29 0Macchina leonardesca
22 034081_12532117417812...
23 0Disegni
21 0Colonna finto marmo
23 0417706_3431631590605...
18 0Grisaglia classica
31 034536_12531961084495...
24 0Mummia work in progr...
19 07516_1128424096143_2...
22 037355_12534379750920...
19 0424111_3430489757386...
17 037670_12561956081495...
18 0My lab.
14 0419688_3431632090605...
14 0405373_3263632807405...
17 0Mario bresciani
12 0417009_3430491990719...
11 034295_12561936748164...
12 016663_1142152799352_...
17 016663_1142152759351_...
13 023872_47035154634175...
14 034250_12561976748160...
13 037355_12534380750919...
15 034250_12561976414827...
14 065724_34304925907198...
12 0418503_3430420424060...
17 034528_12531969417827...
17 0256387_4336377733464...
17 033508_1359593155225_...
15 0Modello in scala fon...
17 034295_12561936414831...
11 0421818_3497122784056...
11 0419119_3430426024059...
11 0Elementi di scena
10 037491_12561926748165...
12 07516_1128423536129_7...
10 0
Interior Decorating
11 036645_12534548084236...
12 036645_12534547417569...
11 0418082_3430418557393...
12 016663_1144171809826_...
13 0Dsc00638
12 031685_1295130823707_...
12 016663_1142153119360_...
15 016663_1144171769825_...
9 07516_1108939129031_3...
9 0Soffitto ligneo
7 0Dsc00868_3
11 0Dsc00835
9 0Dsc00796
8 0Dsc00779
6 0Decorazione per este...
7 0Sgraffito
8 0Dsc00884
9 016663_1142153479369_...
9 0Dsc00642
8 0Dsc00637
8 0Dsc00640
5 07516_1108939089030_7...
9 07516_1108939049029_3...
6 0Dsc00634
10 0Dsc00633
12 07516_1108931488840_3...
5 016663_1142153159361_...
5 07732_1131063682131_7...
7 031685_1295129783681_...
7 016663_1142152919355_...
6 031685_1295129863683_...
7 07516_1110891257833_2...
6 07516_1110891417837_5...
10 07516_1110884297659_6...
8 07516_1110884377661_7...
11 016663_1142153519370_...
10 07516_1110891377836_5...
8 07516_1110890937825_4...
14 07732_1131063562128_3...
8 04321_1061183895180_3...
17 07516_1110881857598_4...
10 04321_1061187015258_1...
10 07516_1108930208808_2...
9 07516_1110891137830_8...
10 07516_1110891217832_3...
12 040392_1359592635212_...
5 04321_1061186695250_7...
10 04321_1061186535246_4...
12 07516_1110889177781_4...
6 07516_1110889137780_4...
8 07516_1110881897599_4...
10 07516_1110891177831_5...
11 07516_1110891337835_4...
9 016663_1144171729824_...
9 04321_1061186975257_4...
8 031685_1295130623702_...
7 07516_1110889257783_7...
11 07516_1110881817597_5...
6 016663_1144171569820_...
6 016663_1142152959356_...
9 016663_1142153079359_...
10 031685_1295130183691_...
11 016663_1142697012957_...
6 016663_1142697052958_...
11 07516_1110884417662_3...
11 0Dsc00641
7 07516_1110890897824_3...
8 07516_1110891537840_2...
9 07516_1110891577841_5...
8 04321_1061186655249_5...
6 039637_1359593675238_...
11 0
Graphics design
10 036487_12531601417864...
9 035095_12531780084513...
8 036487_12531601084531...
6 037749_12531585417866...
7 034160_12531757751182...
5 036487_12531600084531...
6 037236_12531622751195...
8 035095_12531779417846...
8 036487_12531600751197...
9 034525_12531749751183...
7 034525_12531750751182...
10 035095_12531779084513...
7 036487_12531602417864...
8 0425711_3431633690605...
7 035095_12531780417846...
12 034525_12531750417849...
10 035095_12531778417846...
9 034525_12531750084516...
8 034160_12531757417848...
6 037749_12531585084532...
9 037749_12531584751199...
8 036487_12531602751197...
13 036487_12531602084531...
12 037749_12531583751199...
14 036487_12531603084531...
11 0
15 0252452_4445463422556...
14 0417215_3430488090720...
14 0420096_3430488724053...
14 033508_1359593115224_...
14 0427668_3430501590718...
9 0427507_3430500390719...
10 0423370_3431634190605...
13 037670_12561955748162...
13 04269_1063578075033_3...
8 08316_1131646696706_6...
11 08316_1132768724756_5...
7 08316_1131646616704_4...
9 08316_1131646656705_1...
9 07516_1128416775960_5...
8 07516_1120194850417_2...
10 016663_1141969234763_...
7 09130_1132773124866_6...
9 09130_1132773084865_4...
7 04321_1060915888480_3...
11 04321_1060915848479_1...
13 04269_1066024336188_3...
8 04269_1063578035032_1...
8 04269_1063574314939_4...
9 0N.y.
9 04321_1060916128486_8...
6 04321_1060916408493_5...
8 04321_1060916648499_8...
10 04321_1060927488770_3...
10 04321_1060927528771_5...
7 04321_1060916568497_2...
7 04321_1060927408768_7...
7 04321_1060927368767_1...
9 0Scenografie/props/wo...
22 0Scenografie/props/wo...
25 0
12 031685_1295130983711_...
9 04321_1061112893405_5...
8 04321_1061112453394_1...
7 04321_1061113053409_2...
9 04321_1061113013408_6...
6 04321_1061112693400_3...
9 04321_1061112653399_3...
5 04321_1061112613398_6...
5 04321_1061184735201_6...
10 0Decorazioni
32 07516_1108940449064_4...
6 0Paesaggio
9 07516_1118682412607_3...
6 07516_1118682492609_4...
5 07516_1118682532610_4...
7 07516_1118682452608_2...
10 07516_1118682572611_4...
9 07516_1118682292604_3...
9 07516_1118682612612_3...
11 07516_1118682372606_6...
6 07516_1118682652613_1...
8 07516_1118681892594_6...
14 07516_1118682052598_6...
6 07516_1118681972596_5...
5 07516_1118682012597_7...
5 07516_1118681852593_7...
6 07516_1118682092599_6...
5 07516_1118682132600_6...
3 0My lab.
6 04321_1061112533396_1...
6 07516_1118683772641_2...
7 04321_1061112493395_2...
5 0
5 0428226_3430497957385...
4 0418382_3430483290720...
7 0428740_3430484757387...
6 034755_12532174751140...
5 034755_12532173417807...
5 0423112_3430486690720...
4 0418484_3497121384056...
3 0422487_3430481057387...
8 0421130_3430498624052...
3 0Dsc00848_3
3 0Dsc00845_5
7 0Dsc00849_3
9 0Dsc00898
10 0421636_3430490190720...
6 0420583_3430485257387...
5 038252_12911307713227...
3 0419513_3430494390719...
7 0432340_3430494990719...
8 0422559_3430493790719...
7 038252_12911308379893...
9 038252_12911308046560...
10 0426792_3430485757387...
7 0429121_3430491324053...
2 0431978_3430478557387...
4 0431232_3430481990720...
4 034250_12561976081493...
6 0427656_3430497524052...
2 0426459_3430497090719...
2 0424408_3430479290721...
8 0423505_3497119217390...
9 0429006_3497124617389...
7 0428364_3430496124052...
3 0424268_3430492990719...
4 0431076_3430495357386...
2 0420063_3430487590720...
6 0423852_3430484090720...
6 0
Trompe l'œil
3 04321_1061186815253_6...
7 07516_1128423776135_4...
7 0417048_3431634990605...
6 07516_1128423816136_7...
6 07516_1128423736134_4...
6 04321_1061185175212_3...
4 04321_1061187095260_7...
3 04321_1061186895255_7...
5 0419906_3431633223939...
5 0Canne d'organo tromp...
7 04321_1061185215213_3...
4 033508_1359593235227_...
7 0Trompe l'oeil
3 04321_1061186775252_1...
3 07516_1128423976140_8...
3 04321_1061187055259_1...
6 07516_1128423376125_2...
2 033508_1359593195226_...
3 0