Italy > Piemonte > Torino

Marco Martino is a 2D and 3D Rendering from Torino with >10 years of experience


Render It has been operating for almost 10 years in the service sector advanced 3D architectural pre-visualization and visual communication, the creation of photorealistic renderings, virtual Read more

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Render It has been operating for almost 10 years in the service sector advanced 3D architectural pre-visualization and visual communication, the creation of photorealistic renderings, virtual communication, visual, animated and printed a product or project design phase and not yet realized.

It is responsible for rendering 3D solid modeling, photorealistic rendering, environmental impact assessment (EIA), virtual tours, floor plans and sections 3d, 3d design product, design cad, video, 3D animation and graphic design.
With a view of completeness and quality of product, support the project, from idea to development of images, video, printed paper for the proposal, the evaluation and sale of the project.

Render It.
Would be translated into Italian: "Make it, by interpretation, esprimilo."
It is not an order, but desirable.
And 'this is our logo "s", the true meaning of our work.
Translating the idea, explaining the sense of design, with geometries, angles, lights and materials.

Graphic activity born out of passion at a young age, their perseverance, the pursuit of perfection and perseverance that led to an ongoing study, testing and deepening the topics of 3D computer graphics applied to the architectural and product design.

The IT knowledge, the continuous updating of the same, the attention to detail, passion for graphics, design and communication, have created the basis for a mature product and quality, and always close to 360 ° needs and timing of customers.

Render It operates in a transversal and integrated throughout the national territory, for projects of any scale and nature.

It will make happy to accompany you in your "visions".

dr. Marco Martino
graphic designer

Sex: M

Birthday: 19.05.1980

Employer: Libero Professionista

Years of Experience: >10

Qualification: Laurea

Portfolio Skills

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Photo editing and photomanipulation

3D Images

Address : Italy > Piemonte > Torino
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