Italy > > Monza e brianza Via G. Oberdan 13 Brugherio 20861

ciro perrotta is a Interior Design from Brugherio


Fattoamano The core is wood, softened, rounded and waving. The raw material is plaster with which texture, casts, inlay and bass relief is created. Colour is then added, using gold, silver and Read more

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The core is wood, softened, rounded and waving. The raw material is plaster with which texture, casts, inlay and bass relief is created. Colour is then added, using gold, silver and copper leaf. The pigments and polishes then bring the surface to life, bewildering the senses of those who see and touch.
This process creates cabinet, tables, consoles and empty picture frames often suspended on walls with a sense of weightlessness.

At times the base material is a simple cloth, stretched on a structure of wood and iron. Once worked, it takes on the appearance of leather, metal plate or something one needs to touch to understand. These become 'boiserie', canvasses, tapestries or enormous sliding doors.

Existing together with 'Fattoamano' is a small cast metal production, silver or mat black. Sculptured frames in aluminium or bronze, small occasional tables in free form shapes that appear to flex and move in the eye of the beholder.

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Address : Italy > > Monza e brianza Via G. Oberdan 13 Brugherio 20861
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