Italy > Lombardia > Milano Piranesi - 10 Milano 20137

Soup Studio Designer Assoc.. is a Industrial Design from Milano


Individuals, ideas, words and synergies. Take, cut, paste and paint. talking, discuss, joke and enjoy. These words and sounds that evoke they help to create the? Right image of what we do every day, Read more

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Individuals, ideas, words and synergies. Take, cut, paste and paint. talking,
discuss, joke and enjoy. These words and sounds that evoke they help to create the? Right image of what we do every day, what we have to do with the thoughts and creativity, we know how to understand the subtle nuances between yellow and blue needed to reach the green.
When we say soup, "Soup?" we think of passion and desire to do, see and speak with four mouths with eight eyes, mixing with eight hands.
Design - Graphic - Communication - Art - Fun.
Just want to dwell on that, "Fun" is the pleasure of living, is the pleasure of good food and being at large.
This pleasure we have in common is poured in what we do because we do it with pleasure.
As with many things, Soup Studio randomness arises from the logic, the logic of everyday life and everyday life of the same interests. But maybe not.
This has meant that we begin to create a path at times exhausting, sometimes dark, but often punctuated by illuminating moments that have in turn produced new ideas and great ideas.
Daily Soup Studio collects recipes and new creative challenges, to improve and continue walking, making sure not to step on any insect.

Soup Studio was founded in Milan in 2007 by Martin Cabassi, David Esser, Charles Tartaglia, David? Frenk? Valtorta, graduated in Design at NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts in Milan).

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano Piranesi - 10 Milano 20137
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