Italy > Lombardia > Milano Via Buonarroti 9 Milano

Pasticceria Cremeria Gran .. is a Food from Milano


The Pastry Gran Caffé Cremeria Buonarroti was born in Milan in 1920 is a good local historian Milan. An oasis of tranquility and class in the ex-Fiera area of Milan. Surely the strong point is the Read more

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The Pastry Gran Caffé Cremeria Buonarroti was born in Milan in 1920 is a good local historian Milan. An oasis of tranquility and class in the ex-Fiera area of Milan. Surely the strong point is the tradition of dessert with a pastry of the highest quality.
For those who want a relaxed breakfast, a quick work lunch or an aperitif with friends, the Pasticceria GranCaffè Buonarroti is the ideal place. A break between one meeting and another while continuing to stay connected with work and friends thanks to free Wifi. The tea room can be reserved, in whole or in part, for receptions of any kind and can also be used perfectly to organize business meetings (also with the support of multimedia tools) or product presentations.

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano Via Buonarroti 9 Milano
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