Italy > Piemonte > Alessandria

Lucia Arena is a Web Designer from Ovada with 5 years of experience


Lucia Arena Lives and works in Genoa. She graduated from the Ligustica Academy of Fine Arts (painting course and art history thesis). Over the years she has continued her journey in the world of art Read more

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Lucia Arena Lives and works in Genoa. She graduated from the Ligustica Academy of Fine Arts (painting course and art history thesis). Over the years she has continued her journey in the world of art and graphics, perfecting herself in the web up to embarking on the profession of web design. INTERESTS: her Today she also dedicates herself to art and creates her drawings of her along a personal path made of emotions and sensations. She is also passionate about ceramics, poetry, literature. Her works and her works can be seen on her website http: //

Employer: Web Designer

Years of Experience: 5

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: No

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Address : Italy > Piemonte > Alessandria
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