graz Illustrator
graz is a Illustrator from Mendrisio with >20 years of experience
Description:Sono un illustratore e fotografo professionista sono specializzato nella realizzazione di immagini relative alla promozione di prodotti industriali per brochure , web, punti vendita, fiere ed Read more
- 1104 Monthly showcase visits
- 1422 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 0 Click on links
Sono un illustratore e fotografo professionista sono specializzato nella realizzazione di immagini relative alla promozione di prodotti industriali per brochure , web, punti vendita, fiere ed eventi.
Preferibilmente lavoro in digitale , nel fotoritocco sono in grado di operare con ricostruzioni, cambi colore, visualizzazioni di prodotti a partire dai disegni progettuali.
Ritrattistica leadership classica e caricaturale, pin up, creatures, characters.
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Caricature
- Social Communication
- CoronaVirus
- Digital Image
- Photos
- Photo editing and photomanipulation
- Cartoon
- Publishing
- Illustration
- Book illustrations
- 3D Images
- Photographic portraits
Favorites showcase
6 0Mcafee_01_final_rez0...
7 0Sebastian martin_01_...
6 0Josephbeuys_rez01
6 0Luis zahera_01_rez
7 0Grazianoii_01_rez
9 0Antonio llopis_rez01
13 0Grigory perelman_01_...
12 0Gottfried helnwein_0...
12 0Jonathan hardesty_re...
16 0Scott burdick_01_rez
11 0Hollis dunlap_01_rez
10 0Amy adams_01_rez01
10 0Molly crabapple_02_r...
9 0Paz_01_rez01
11 0Marco bucci_01_rez
10 0Tom richmond_01_rez0...
11 0Derren brown_01_rez0...
9 0Brad garrett_02_rez0...
11 0Kim ki-duk_03_rez
10 0Anthony adcock_05_re...
11 0Bright ackwerh_01_re...
11 0Sam de carlo_01_rez
12 0Magnus_01_rez
13 0Alebro_01_rez
12 0Warren buffet_01_rez
9 0Ange_01_rez
11 0Paco_02_rez01
10 0Carlos alfredo jr_01...
9 0Ebenezer scrooge_01_...
10 0Mitch griffiths_rez0...
11 0Little dog_rez01
10 0John reilly_01
10 0Jason_02
9 0Tim burton_08_rez
10 0Margharet keane_01 _...
10 0Hulk hogan_01_rez
10 0Graz_01
13 0Monica_01_rez
9 0Marvin lorenz_01_rez
9 0Pierpaolo pasolini_0...
10 0John picacio_01_rez
10 0Philip glass_01_rez
11 0Zoro_01_rez
10 0Sean cheetham_01_rez
11 0Joanavasconcellos_01...
11 0Quincy_03
12 0Quincy_02_rez
9 0Terry gilliam_01_rez
10 0Lucio urtubia_02_rez
12 0Jeff stahl_01_rez
8 0Andy signore_01_rez
10 0Santos_01_rez
10 0Iris_03_rez
10 0Theo_02_rez
9 0Joshua been_01_rez
10 0Zerocalcare_01_rez
13 0Yul brynner_01 - cop...
10 0Larry seiler_01_rez
13 0Jan_op_de_beek_01_re...
10 0Julian assange_02_re...
11 0Justin coro kaufman_...
9 0Jaqueline_03_rez
10 0Melanie thierry_01_r...
9 0Woody allen_01_rez
9 0Fred harper_01_rez
9 0Paul roustan_01_rez
11 0Joelburg_01_rez
10 0Deborah feingold_01_...
10 0Takuya_02_rez
11 0Payne_01_rez
11 0Nicolas uribe_01_rez
12 0Stefani joanne angel...
12 0Buddy jackson_01_rez
10 0Mike thompson_01_rez
12 0Eric clapton_01_rez
15 0Grigor eftimov_01_re...
12 0Tom_fluharty_01_rez
12 0Orianthi_01_rev_rez
9 0Janis joplin_01_rez
10 0Yoyoma_02_rez
11 0Paula rego_rez_001
17 0Howard stern_01_rez
23 0Michelle obama_02
21 0Ayesha dharker_01_re...
21 0Django reinhardt_01_...
24 1Daniel radcliffe_01_...
22 0Pierre august renoir...
24 0Nikola tesla_04_rez
25 0Emma watson_03_rez
25 0Zooey deschanel_02_r...
27 0Gisele bundchen_02_r...
27 0Carlitos tevez_02_re...
23 0Roger water_02_rez
25 0Ernesto priego_02_re...
26 0Aarvo part_02_rez
26 0Al hirschfeld_02_rez
26 0Tupac shakur_02_rez
21 0Alda merini_02_rez
22 0Lionel messi_02_rez
21 0Brian may_02_rez
27 0Marchionne_02_rez
30 0Samuel becket_01_rez...
23 0Katharine hepburn_01...
21 0Franco battiato_02_r...
27 0Bobby farrell_03_rez
17 0Eric clapton_01_rez
17 0Juan pablo letelier ...
16 0Muhabbet_01_rez
14 0Raoul castro_01_rez
15 0Tyson gay_01
26 0Marce_01_rez
19 0Charles_02_rez
20 0Miroslav tichy_01_re...
23 0Riccardo zappa_04_re...
25 0Nipote_eni00001
22 0Desconocida_01_rez
21 0Bald man caricature_...
21 0Ahmed_02_rez
24 0Riccardo_01_rez
20 0Antonio_conte_01_rez
20 0Charlottr rampling_0...
18 0Drugo_02_rez
14 0Chris rock_01_rez
16 0Hilary_01_rez
16 0Tina_01_rez
16 0Milton berle_01_rez
16 0Keith emerson_01_rez
16 0Gary moore_01_rez
18 0Gal_gadot_01_rez
16 0Jan anderson_01_rez
18 0Jan anderson_02_stud...
17 0Aretha _01_rez
14 0Nana vasconcelos_02_...
16 0Vincent lindon_01_re...
16 0Leona lewis_01_rez
17 0Bob dilan_young-01_r...
21 0Hen ry calvill_01_re...
19 0Hen ry calvill_02_re...
21 0Ana ularu_01_rez
14 0Bryce dallas howard_...
13 0Gino strada_01_rez
15 0Prince_01_rez
15 0Prince_02_rez
18 0Charlize theron_01_r...
17 0Bertrand russell_01_...
17 0Ray charles_01_rez
21 0Lucy liu_01_rez
17 0Sara sampaio_01_rez
13 0Elton john_01_rez
13 0Djokovic_01_rez
15 0Rodrigo dutarte_01_r...
17 0Owen wilson_01_rez
16 0Evangeline lilly_01_...
16 0Jane russell_01_rez
15 0Carpe_01_rez
16 0Bud spencer_01_rez
17 0Sir magdi yacoub_02_...
16 0Aissa draw_01_rez
17 0Emily blunt_01_rez
22 0Tim duncan_01_rez
23 0Amitabh bachchan_01_...
24 0Ichiro suzuchi_01_re...
24 0Dalì_02_rez
15 0Benedict cumberbatch...
14 0Jader_02_rez
16 0Goldie hawn_02_rez
16 0Lucien freud_02_rez
11 0Michael_buble_02_rez
11 0Adel emam_02
13 0Alice cooper_02_rez
15 0Emilia clarke_01_rez
12 0Harrison ford_02_rez
12 0Pink reunion_02_rez
13 0Abdul hussein abdul ...
12 0Robert de niro_01_re...
11 0Rosario dawson_01_re...
12 0Tivo aguilar kari_01...
12 0Mohamed ramadan_01_r...
13 0Marchionne_01_rez
17 0Van damme_02_rez
11 0Willem dafoe_01_rez
11 0Big_bang_complete_re...
11 0Rami malek_01_rez
11 0Tom petty_01_rez
12 0P-38784c7a23d3f2a3a6...
11 0Idris elba_01_rez
12 0Amanda seyfried_01_r...
12 0Matt damon_03_rez
12 0Mohamed salah_01_rez
14 0Sally field_01_rez
13 0Alberto_01_rez
12 0Christian bale_01_re...
11 0Stranger things_01_r...
12 0John wayne_01_rez
12 0John wayne_02_rez
11 0Oliver reed_01_rez
11 0Olof palme_02_rez
9 0Monica-bellucci_01_r...
12 0Patricia mamona_01_r...
17 0Buffon_01_rez
11 0Goyo_01_rez
10 0Gérard-depardieu_01...
10 0Dolly parton_01_rez
13 0Iwan_rheon_01_rez
10 0Theresa may_01_rez
10 0Nico_01_rez
11 0Philip hoffman seymo...
9 0Johnny hallyday_01_r...
11 0John malkovich_01_re...
10 0Donald sutherland_01...
14 0Raggi_01_rez
14 0Kyra sedgwick_01_rez
13 0Heisenberg_01_rez
14 1Hugh jackman_01_rez
9 0Pierpaolo_01_rez
10 0Hermann hesse_01_rez
12 0Bogdan_01_rez
14 0John_lewis_01_rez
13 0Daniel day lewis_01_...
12 0Annie leibovitz_01_r...
12 0La piccolina_rez
11 0Hugh grant_01_rez
11 0Meryl streep_01_rez
12 0Whiskey_02_rez
10 0Barbara streisand_01...
10 0Stan lee_01_rez
8 0Chadwick boseman_01_...
8 0Whisky_01_rez
11 0Vasco_03_rez
15 0Eva green_01_rez
10 0Tom_01_rez
9 0Ahmed whalid_01_rez
9 0Mort_01_rez
8 0Emma_01_rez
8 0Whiskey_03_rez
11 0Apes_01_rez
8 0Neil_young_02_rez
10 0Akihito_02
8 0Mariza_01
10 0Meghan markle_01_rez
9 0Donnie yen_01_rez
9 0Moreno_01_rez
8 0Helen mirren_01_rez
6 0Andrea pazienza_01_r...
7 0Alexander skarsgard_...
6 0Will smith_01_rez
9 0Frances mcdorrmand_0...
8 0Zoe saldana_01_001
8 0Angus young_rez_01_0...
9 0Cher_rez_01_001
8 0Charles bronson_rez_...
8 0Geoffry rush_rez_01_...
11 0Miki_rez_001
12 0Raoul bova_rez_001
14 0Jessica lange_rez_00...
10 0
5 0Rex_01_rez01
5 0Felice_02_portrait_r...
4 0Jacob collier_01_rez
11 0Speranza _wings_ cut...
14 0Juan carlos caceres_...
24 0Portrait child_02_re...
29 0Lion babe_02_rez
26 0Marilena_02_rez
26 0Giò_01_rez_02
26 0Dream_02_rez_1
24 0Sebastian_03_rez
15 0Zou bisou bisou_rez_...
27 0Arturo benedetti mic...
23 0Blackstar_05_rez
21 0Nana vasconcelos_01_...
12 0Oakman_01_rez
17 0The boat_01_rez
16 0Schegge_carpeoro_01_...
17 0Pueblito_01_rez
16 0Goro fujita_01_rez
17 0Cuore feo_03_rez
10 0Bozzetto silvano_02
9 0Dog in the street_01...
20 0Ezra_pound_01_rez[1]
9 0Tony the cat_01_rez
12 0Gurdijeff_rez
10 0Angelina jolie_01_re...
11 0Locandina acoustiban...
13 0Oarsman_rez_001
17 0Oarsman_03_rez_001
13 0Cervo_07_00015
8 0Scale luna_011_rez
8 0Ele10
9 0
5 0Kikki_01_rez
9 0Clark kent_sam_03_re...
62 0Susan boyle_01_rez
62 0Bobby farrell_01_rez
59 0Richard kiel_01_rez
49 0Drew barrymore_01
39 0Cioran_02_rez
17 0Jonathan banks_01_re...
13 0Dave_test_01_rez
7 0Ref_01_rez
6 0Massaggia gengive_03...
6 0Specchio_15
6 0Polipo_02_r_10
4 0Scatola_16c
4 0Martello_10rez2
4 0Polipino 7
7 0Virus_06
6 0G16
3 0
Social Communication
3D Images
Betty davis
1143 1Diva prestige
685 0Prototype water filt...
673 0Justice_rez05
1129 0Water dispenser
674 0Water dispenser
672 0Justice_rez03
1094 0Penelope caricature
1071 0Julian assange caric...
1058 1Water dispenser
660 0Water dispenser
655 0Justicerez07
1086 0Maradona caricature
1041 0Water pot
659 0Lucio dalla
1098 0Coffee mug
658 1Behave_rez04
1090 0James earl jones
1063 0Behave_rez02
1082 0Bertrand daullè
974 0Storage cloud
616 0Behave_rez07
1081 0Angela merkel
962 0Storage cloud 2
618 0Behave_rez03
1074 0Dhilmar mariela zamb...
954 0Behave_rez01
1076 0Mansouri_2
945 0Luis karnov manelik ...
939 0Highlander
548 0Asamoah_01_rez_02
49 0Deposizione sotto la...
57 0Sophia_5_rez_02
48 0Cary grant_04_rez_02
37 0Patty smith
222 0Debbie harry
226 0Beyoncè_01_rez_02
178 0Francis bacon_03_rez...
187 0Kirsten
602 0Creature
544 0Ryan nore_2
926 1Gildo
870 0Priyanka goswami_2
922 0Pesce graz
994 0Tony quinones_2
921 0Karim bougouemra_2
933 0Erdogan oruc_2
917 0Rakesh sharma_2
934 1Sergio matamoros
873 1David duque
932 0Brujeria_rev2
931 0Euros
861 0Doctor who
451 0Ron perlman caricatu...
957 0Juan carlos
389 0Strauss kahn caricat...
951 0Milan kundera
544 0Santos palacios_1
918 0Wagner_01 rez_02
287 0Hevert benitez_1
920 0Wagner_02 rez_02
291 0Rosario dawson_2
886 0Jan neggers_2
927 0Savino_3
888 0Picasso_rev2
922 1Model_1
878 0Mecho art_rev_2
926 0Wizard
575 0Montse valero
919 0A.mosievicz
512 0Principe maurice
961 0Denis zilber_2
918 0Charlie chaplin cari...
987 0Kimberly borchardt_2
915 0Behave_rez14
1058 0Omar rovelo gallardo
914 0Back pocket
1053 0Marco travaglio
917 0Cover cd proposal
1056 0Pepe boada_2
905 0Vasco
1049 0Paco najera ortega_2
908 0Cd cover
1031 0Cardboards_2
910 0Paul van dik single ...
1016 0Gilbert daroy_2
906 0Matt damon caricatur...
1008 0Yuen leng lee_2
902 0Behave_rez15
1064 0Jiwenk wae_2
901 0Behave_rez11
1062 0George clooney
901 0Camelad03
1054 0Daniel primera
892 0Escape from island
1055 0Serge gainsbourg
883 0Justice_re01
1053 0Ursula andress
861 0Behave_rez16
1064 0Jackson pollock
796 0Crab
1065 1Oona chaplin
787 0Behave_rez03
1060 0Che guevara
772 1Behave_rez_02
1061 0Che guevara
769 0Behave_rez_03
1058 0Ben affleck
764 0Behave_rez04
1056 0Bob dylan
747 0Dog13
1059 0Yoo ono
740 0Aquilotto_11
1061 0Elvis
676 0Aquila_11
1063 0Amanda palmer
376 0Dummy
1058 0Sandro
626 0Fish_two
1055 0Will ferrell
599 0Fish persicus
1054 0Sophie marceau
544 0Fishone
1056 0Nicolas cage
533 0Snow_puppet
1051 0Obama
530 0Revolution
1054 0Simone simons
522 0Wacom spring
1049 0Liz taylor
508 0Behave_rez57
1050 0Chevy chase
498 0Behave_rez60
1052 0Rabinandrath tagore_...
479 0Behave_rez59
1049 0Diana ross_rez_02
480 0Behave_rez58
1045 0Lou reed_01_rez_02
471 0Behave_rez56
1045 0George harrison_sket...
470 0Playa model calami...
1061 0Charles bukowsky_01_...
464 0Vintage beach image
1067 0Fabio concato_rez_02
464 0Lama
1054 0Vanessa paradis
439 0Sam_rez01
1046 0Kevin felipe
408 0Squirrel_rez01
1043 0Baudelaire_rez_02
398 0Lama_rez03
1043 0Peter dinklage_rez_0...
397 0Scorpion on the hand
1049 0Joseph_rez_01
400 0Fiona
1044 0Jayne mansfield
362 0Alexander
1043 0Keanu reeves
357 0Mika
346 0El rincón oscuro_re...
29 0Di caprio_01 rez_02
274 0Bimbo_01 rez_02
273 0Tom waits
270 0Whoopi goldberg
249 0Pepe mujica
247 0Hugo weaving_01
231 0Susan sontag_rez_02
21 0Meat loaf_01_rez
18 0Caricature_01_rez
24 0
Hi. 07 Jan 2022, 02:11
Since the illuminati?s first oaths or the utterance of our vows as humanity?s protectors, our organization has advocated for the ultimate goal of a globalist Earth. Our vision for the future is a unified planet. Dear Influential Individual, We are happy that your life?s journey has led you to discover our organisation. Maybe you have met one of our members in the flesh. Or perhaps not; we value anonymity. We see and know all just as a shepherd sees and knows all of the flock, our eyes peering over the masses to identify any threat to the survival of the human species. We are the bringers of new dawns, the guardians of the human species. We are the Pyramid, the Eye, the Light, the Eternal Circle. We are the Illuminati Yours sincerely,brotherhood for new age is upon us,fear not you are not alone,for proper direction on how to join the great illuminati brotherhood and how to enjoy the abundant blessings of the most high/ mankind feel free to contact me via the following details. [email protected] Or wassap +2250704225208