pamapple Graphic designer
Italy > Lombardia > Milano
pamapple is a Graphic designer from Milano with >10 years of experience
Description:grafica da 10 anni, dalla creazione alla stampa. completa il profilo la figura di truccatrice.
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Showcase Insight
- 5 Monthly showcase visits
- 8 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 0 Click on links
grafica da 10 anni, dalla creazione alla stampa.
completa il profilo la figura di truccatrice.
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Other
- Below the line
- Brochures and Publications
- Press Releases
- Social Communication
- CoronaVirus
- Corporate Identity
- Curriculum
- Photos
- Photo editing and photomanipulation
- Graphics design
- News
- Packaging
- Promotion
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Na'at web 2
103 0Na'at web 4
72 0Na'at web 1
64 0Na'at web 6
50 0Na'at web 5
48 0Na'at web 3
46 0Na'at web 7
49 010-abito2-1
32 00cover2
35 0381180_4136361786940...
24 040e_lb_vestitogonna
19 017b_lb_pantagrigio
17 0
Corporate Identity
Porta bacchette
58 0Biglietto miyama tra...
61 0Porta conto
55 0Sofy
55 0Cartelletta
52 0Katy's delicious
16 0Le farfalle
15 0
Diana zurek ws_821
64 0Diana zurek ws_982
51 0Diana zurek ws_939
47 0Diana zurek ws_895
46 0Polaroid
45 0Dsc3817
28 0Dsc4024
25 0222372_5260073874239...
16 0546647_5260073307572...
14 0543116_5379044095675...
17 074371_53787174290415...
13 0207659_5374318296148...
13 0270299_5379043395675...
11 020118_53790436290089...
20 0
Graphics design
Gioielli v.riva
43 0Depliant informativo...
39 0Etichetta vino
35 0Cd raindog hd
34 0Cd raindog hd
23 0Biglietti visita
18 0