Italy > Abruzzo > Pescara

Leo Margiotti is a Senior Designer from Pescara with >10 years of experience


We create branding & communication projects. We are a graphic studio that combines creativity, design and experience to create high value branding and communication projects. We like to involve our Read more

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We create branding & communication projects.
We are a graphic studio that combines creativity, design and experience to create high value branding and communication projects.
We like to involve our clients, make them feel part of the team and create together that positive atmosphere that leads to exciting goals.
If our projects are able to stand out, it is not only for the careful study and impeccable execution, it is because they are born from the desire to create a unique graphic design, establishing with the client an intense bond that is renewed over time.

Employer: Libero Professionista

Years of Experience: >10

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Address : Italy > Abruzzo > Pescara
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