Simone Martellini Web Designer
Simone Martellini is a Web Designer from 98125 with >10 years of experience
Description:Tel.: +39 090 9586329 Cell.: +39 329 2143990 Sito Web: www.simonemartellini.com E-mail: [email protected]
- 44 Monthly showcase visits
- 47 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 9 Click on links
Tel.: +39 090 9586329
Cell.: +39 329 2143990
Sito Web: www.simonemartellini.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Employer: Libero Professionista
Years of Experience: >10
Employment Search: Si
Internships Available: No
Portfolio Skills
- Advergames
- Other
- Animations
- Self-timer Photo
- Case History
- Press Releases
- Social Communication
- CoronaVirus
- Curriculum
- Flash
- Photos
- Graphics design
- News
- Portals
- Corporate Sites
- Dynamic sites
- Social Media manager
- Spot Video TV
- Web Marketing
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Graphics design
Cavalli e cavalieri
28 0Etra energia
22 0Credita
19 0C five
16 0Bottega del legno
10 0Doc
12 0Progetto felicità
11 0
Corporate Sites