Italy > Toscana > Firenze Empoli

Alessandro Brucini is a Video Producer from Empoli with >10 years of experience

Description: brucini[AT]alevisual[DOT]com He is a film director and he generally takes care of script-writing and post-production too. His Read more

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He is a film director and he generally takes care of script-writing and post-production too.
His documentary films, short and medium-length films received several official selections and awards at international independent film festivals all over the world.
As video artist, he collaborated to site-specific installations and his experimental works are part of collections of contemporary art museums and galleries.
As video maker, he was getting in touch with the advertising and corporate communications.
He is also an audiovisual disciplines teacher at fine arts academies and film schools.

Employer: Libero Professionista

Years of Experience: >10

Qualification: Laurea

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Address : Italy > Toscana > Firenze Empoli
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