simone mascagni Student
simone mascagni is a Student from Roma with < 5 years of experience
Description:I just finished high school and the next here I'm going to study Advertising. Don't know where yet. Until now I won some prizes with client as Microsoft, Pago and Webtel.mobi. I also won a scholarship Read more
- 19 Monthly showcase visits
- 43 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 32 Click on links
I just finished high school and the next here I'm going to study Advertising. Don't know where yet. Until now I won some prizes with client as Microsoft, Pago and Webtel.mobi. I also won a scholarship for the Ied in Turin, but I didn't accept it. My career ambitions are too work in the field of advertsing or everything that could be related to creativity. Especially I would like to start my career as a copywriter.
For any question, help or ideas you are free to contact my brain at [email protected]
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- CoronaVirus
Favorites showcase
- No commments