Italy > Lombardia > Milano

roberta79 is a Student from Milano with < 5 years of experience


In 2004, I graduated from the IED (European Institute of Design) in Interior Design. In 2010 I enrolled in the three-year course in the evening, Graphic Design & Art Direction at NABA (New Academy of Read more

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In 2004, I graduated from the IED (European Institute of Design) in Interior Design.
In 2010 I enrolled in the three-year course in the evening, Graphic Design & Art Direction at NABA (New Academy of Fine Arts).

By the age of 15 years are passionate about web design and graphic design, work with PC and Mac and use the package Adobe CS4 Suite, I also started using CS.

Enrolled in a master's degree in web design: at the end I will have the Master International Certification Adobe Dreamweaver CS3

Employer: Disoccupato

Years of Experience: < 5

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano
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