Pasquale Vitale Senior Designer
Pasquale Vitale is a Senior Designer from Frattamaggiore with >10 years of experience
Description:I am a designer photographer who deals with communication, visual designers and advertising photography. My ambition is to be able to communicate only with the expression of the image, both Read more
- 489 Monthly showcase visits
- 932 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 17 Click on links
I am a designer photographer who deals with communication, visual designers and advertising photography. My ambition is to be able to communicate only with the expression of the image, both photographic graphically realized.
Sex: M
Birthday: 10.11.1976
Employer: Web Master
Years of Experience: >10
Qualification: Diploma Professionale
Employment Search: No
Internships Available: No
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Posters
- Other
- 3d Animations
- App iphone ipad android
- Self-timer Photo
- Below the line
- Brochures and Publications
- Case History
- Press Releases
- Social Communication
- CoronaVirus
- Corporate Identity
- Curriculum
- Photos
- Graphics design
- 3D Images
- Industrial design
- Merchandising
- News
- Packaging
- Product Design
- Promotion
- Scenographies
- Stand Fittings
- Web Design
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Toledo 72
3 0Toledo 72
4 0Toledo 72
3 0Toledo 72
2 0Ramblas restaurante
3 0Ramblas restaurante
2 0Ramblas restaurante
3 0Ramblas restaurante
2 0Fata_morgana
3 0Fata_morgana
4 0Fata_morgana
5 0Love for bike 004
5 0Love for bike 005
4 0Love for bike 007
3 0Love for bike 008
3 0Love for bike 003
4 0Love for bike 002
3 0Love for bike 009
4 0Love for bike 001
3 0Simone giordano_2
3 0Simone giordano
4 0Anledi
9 0Post4you
8 0Solid_stone
7 0Dogma_group
6 0Breakness
7 0New_tarallo_group_de...
2 0New_tarallo_group_de...
2 0New_tarallo_group_de...
3 0New_tarallo_group_de...
2 0New_tarallo_group_lo...
2 0New_tarallo_group_bu...
2 0New_tarallo_group_co...
2 0Sunglass_003_definit...
2 0Sunglass_001_definit...
3 0Sunglass_002_definit...
2 0Sunglass_004_definit...
3 0Jollyticket
3 0012 dario varsalona_...
4 0003 dario varsalona_...
2 0004 dario varsalona_...
2 0002 dario varsalona_...
2 0005 dario varsalona_...
2 0Dario varsalona_logo...
3 0Sapori_meravigliosi_...
4 0Sapori_meravigliosi_...
4 0Sapori_meravigliosi_...
11 0Sapori_meravigliosi_...
4 0Nbm logotype_2
4 0Nbm logotype
5 0Italian_wines_collec...
2 0Italian_wines_collec...
2 0Italian_wines_collec...
2 0Italian_wines_collec...
3 0Italian_wines_collec...
2 0Italian_wines_collec...
1 0Reunion_001
1 0Reunion_002
1 0Reunion_003
1 0Reunion_006
2 0Reunion_004
1 0Reunion_005
1 0Urban_chips_holland_...
1 0Urban_chips_holland_...
1 0Urban_chips_holland_...
1 0Urban_chips_holland_...
2 0Icy_truck_001
1 0Icy_truck
1 0Icy_truck_002
1 0Icy_truck_005
1 0Icy_truck_003
2 0Icy_truck_004
1 0Logo_ufficiale
1 0Logo_ottobre_2015_fi...
2 0Logo_ottobre_2015_fi...
1 0Progetto_salimbeni
1 0Sweetcraetive.02-log...
2 0Arcoiris2
53 0Sweetcraetive.leathe...
2 0Arcoiris4
33 0000.sweetcreative ex...
2 0Aoltea
31 0Tecnomob_logo
16 0Easywayart
2 0Piemonte news 24
2 0Le rox
2 0Le rox _3
2 0Napolih24_logo
10 0Le rox _2
2 0Arcoiris3
50 0Le rox _6
1 0Le rox _4
1 0Le rox _5
1 0Arcoiris4
28 0Logo_centrogomme
16 06th_sense
14 0Bluraffe
13 0Logo_italystreat_1
12 0Logo_primavista_1
13 0Bluraffe_2
16 0Logo_primavista_2
11 06th_senseeee
11 0Camus
12 0100x100
16 0Abitareverde
13 0Lognomoviaggiatore4
22 0100x100_2
10 0Datanet
12 0Griff
12 0Lognomoviaggiatore4
23 0Farmacia_alla_marca
16 0Hintclub
8 0Mamotex
9 0Master_office_1
7 0Condosoft
9 0Farmacia_manfreda
13 0Master_office_3
10 0Greenmovie
6 0Master_office_4
8 0Master_office_6
16 0Sapori_dell_emilia
11 0Tennet_consulting
8 0Smokein
12 0Master_office_5
11 0Shopvet
7 0Wooditaly
11 0Zenith
9 0E_accademy
7 0Disquisito
3 0Roma_marina_yatching
9 0Forza_tecnica
5 0Maxima
9 0Laserpoint
8 0Siviglia
1 0Colnago_cyclinng_fes...
9 0Stone_mobile
6 0Farmacia_stadio_2
13 0Tipografia_piemonte
9 0Logo_consorzio
9 0Tennet
6 0Gondola2
12 0Smartpath
9 0Jenny.costantini
0 0Jenny.costantini_5
0 0Jenny.costantini_2
2 0Tshirt.jenny.costant...
2 0Jenny.costantini_4
2 0Jenny.costantini_3
2 0Jenny.costantini_6
2 021 grammi bozza_1
0 021 grammi bozza_6
0 021 grammi bozza_2
2 021 grammi bozza_4
0 021 grammi bozza_3
0 021 grammi bozza_5
0 0Roncaglia
0 0013 dario varsalona_...
0 0Emandi
0 0Vega_engineering
0 0Logo_definitivo_for4
1 0For4 - 001
0 0For4 - 002
1 0For4 - 003
7 0For4 - 004
1 0B - for4 - 002
2 0B - for4 - 001
2 0004
2 0B - for4 - 003
2 0B - for4 - 005
2 0Love for bike 006
1 0Simone giordano chit...
1 0Toledo 72
0 0
Graphics design
Locandina awpcampani...
2 030x15 demo
3 0Simefra
0 0Demo book e foto
0 0Copertina libro
0 0Lo gnomo viaggiatore...
0 0Locandina_sweet
2 0Biglietto per spetta...
1 0Sweetcraetive.silver...
0 0Sweetcraetive.22x11
1 0Sweetcraetive.01-log...
0 0Sweetcraetive.busine...
1 0Sweetcraetive.busine...
0 0Sweetcraetive.busine...
0 0Sweetcraetive.a4
0 0Sweetcraetive.002
1 0Sweetcraetive.3d-wal...
0 0Cescot_veneto
9 0Fronte_ok
9 0Retro_ok
9 0Tenutabarone1
16 0Tekmak_1
7 0Business card atelie...
8 0Business card atelie...
7 0Business card 001
12 0Magazine-mockup
11 0Vespa
9 0Poster_mockup_md
7 0Locandina_spettacolo
13 0Copertina libro e fo...
0 0Locandina marilyn
0 0Teresa iacopo
0 0Awpcampania
0 0Lo gnomo viaggiatore
0 0The first community
0 0Invito
0 0Locandina awpcampani...
1 0Arenosu
1 0Lo gnomo viaggiatore...
1 0Area vape
1 0Toledo 72
0 0Toledo 72
0 0Toledo 72
0 0Toledo 72
0 0
Chore finest moments
0 0Chore finest moments
0 0Chore finest moments
0 0Chore finest moments
0 0Chore finest moments...
0 0Chore finest moments...
1 0Veleggiata per il pa...
0 0Veleggiata per il pa...
0 0Veleggiata per il pa...
0 0Veleggiata per il pa...
0 0Veleggiata per il pa...
0 0Veleggiata per il pa...
0 0Conoscitalia _1
2 0Conoscitalia _2
3 0Conoscitalia _3
2 0Conoscitalia _4
2 0Conoscitalia _5
2 0Conoscitalia _6
2 0Conoscitalia _7
0 0Conoscitalia _8
0 0Conoscitalia _9
0 0Chore finest moments...
0 0Conoscitalia _10
0 0Copertina_cartellina...
6 0Iphone_1 dario varsa...
6 0Iphone_2 dario varsa...
5 0003 la nostra storia...
27 0001 la nostra storia...
26 0002 la nostra storia...
24 0004 la nostra storia...
23 0005 la nostra storia...
22 0003.sweetcreative ex...
13 0001.sweetcreative ex...
11 0002.sweetcreative ex...
10 0005.sweetcreative ex...
11 0004.sweetcreative ex...
10 0009
18 0008
18 0002
27 0003
21 0004
20 0005
18 0Rouge - self promoti...
11 0Simone giordano chit...
1 0Simone giordano chit...
1 0Simone giordano chit...
1 0Simone giordano chit...
0 0Ramblas restaurante
0 0Ramblas restaurante
0 0Ramblas restaurante
0 0Ramblas restaurante
0 0Ramblas restaurante
0 0Istituto nazionale t...
1 0Istituto nazionale t...
0 0Istituto nazionale t...
0 0Istituto nazionale t...
0 0Toledo 72
0 0Toledo 72
0 0Toledo 72
0 0
Corporate Identity
Business card dario ...
2 0Carta_intestata dari...
1 0Tecnomob_coordinato_...
18 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Excellentwood - lavo...
2 0Self_promotion_bag
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
2 0Self_promotion_farma...
3 0Self_promotion_logo_...
3 0Self_promotion_logo_...
3 0Airesingegneria3
45 0Self_promotion_logo_...
3 0Napolih24_coordinato...
14 0Arcoiris1
38 0Euroliburia3
16 0Soluzionematrimonio1
16 0Sviluppidea1
18 0Business card 002
7 0Inside_group_005
2 0Inside_group_004
2 0Inside_group_003
3 0Inside_group_002
3 0Inside_group_001
4 0
2 09_ciclopedalata_2
2 0Atelier mariée _1
11 0Atelier mariée _5
11 0Atelier mariée _4
12 0Atelier mariée _3
12 0Atelier mariée _2
11 0Atelier mariée _6
11 0Atelier mariée _7
13 0Locandina teatro _1
0 0Locandina teatro _3
0 0Locandina teatro _2
0 0Chore finest moments
0 0Chore finest moments
0 0Nativity experience
0 0Nativity experience
0 0Nativity experience
0 0Nativity experience
1 0
Brochures and Publications
Spettacolo teatro lo...
1 0Spettacolo teatro bi...
0 0Spettacolo teatro bi...
0 0Locandina saggio spe...
3 0Pieghevole_15x15_fro...
3 0Pieghevole_15x15_ret...
3 0Locandina il pendolo...
3 0Volantino il pendolo...
2 0Brochure_ext il pend...
2 06x3 il pendolo_2017
1 0Pieghevole_15x15_fro...
2 0Pieghevole_15x15_ret...
3 0Locandina
2 0Demo copertina catal...
21 0Demo copertina catal...
21 0Pendolo2
21 0Pendolo1
20 0Pendolo2
17 0Pendolo1
12 0Locandina stage
5 0Locandina stage ii
9 0Locandina scuola di ...
7 0Locandina stage iii
9 0Locandina_polemos
4 0Locandina manfredini
2 0
Social Communication
4 0Magazine_001
3 0Poster_001
4 0Mockup_002
5 0Poster_002
5 0Bus_stop_1
5 0Danbo_demo
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
4 0Manifesto7
3 0Manifesto5
4 0Manifesto9
3 0Manifesto8
5 0Manifesto6
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
4 0Conoscitalia.it _ 01...
5 0Conoscitalia.it _ 00...
3 0Carta dei servizi
1 0
22 0Food
26 0Casertavecchiaduomo4
28 0Volturnoriver
28 0B4-vitale-boxe
26 02223175487ced2f97510...
23 0Chemondo
22 0Siena2
22 0B6-vitale-boxe
19 0507418574a0757f500ao
27 0Florencewindow
27 05074513652af6550dd7o
21 0Bc6a321a600
30 05371da1d600
23 04497582625762c80a192...
23 05022054121_260968d1a...
13 0B2-vitale-boxe
20 0Img_20120527_130917
18 04bd5b94e600
22 0Tiger1
15 0B5-vitale-boxe
18 05022052981_324f7651a...
9 03694938865fbc2db0d48...
20 04474067057418ea1a6fe...
18 0Img_20120606_080627
15 03694995663084712c3cf...
17 0B3-vitale-boxe
16 05022053841_704a72fef...
13 0Img_20120606_221904
18 04473782347184aac17fb...
18 05022056675_1f4a4957e...
10 0Bellezza
17 0Synteticflowers
18 0B7-vitale-boxe
14 0Img_20120604_134240
20 05022056285_dc15c95e2...
14 0Img_20120606_222050
14 07001929296_d605796d7...
14 01610039_102029638402...
9 0B1-vitale-boxe
16 0Justdo
15 06971028376_cf8af0797...
15 0Img_20120603_121127
16 01613765_102029620386...
13 0B8-vitale-boxe
16 05022055763_07fc5bbab...
12 0451086474582540b2d31...
20 01618680_102029620383...
13 05022057075_3ddb6dbd5...
9 0Img_7428
17 0Img_20120607_190838
19 04510865771269386d7da...
18 06971029288_f8d8aefbf...
17 0Img_20120528_220800
16 0Img_1072
8 0Img_1209
4 0Img_1087
10 0Img_0997
7 0Img_1175
10 0Img_1247
6 0Img_1344
9 0Img_1267
11 0Img_1313
9 0Img_1023
11 0Img_1024
11 05022059543_a8627b252...
13 01620374_102029638396...
8 0Img_1138
11 0Img_7456
13 0Img_6373
10 07148018145_d4a91ca92...
8 0006
4 0Img_6386
10 02012-03-04-16.52.25
7 0Img_7576
12 01620951_102029620357...
7 05022057581_ebf01ecf8...
13 05022665462_65184c821...
8 0Img_5686
7 0Img_7525
12 02012-03-04-17.30.38
14 0Img_6381
9 01779156_102029638395...
8 0Img_5732
8 05022662222_9d165215e...
12 0Img_7509
14 0Img_6376
10 02012-03-04-13.21.21
13 01779684_102029638386...
9 05022661916_e90184cb5...
11 010110_10202962035399...
7 02012-03-04-13.01.34
7 0Img_6401
10 0Img_7559
10 0008
8 02012-03-02-10.52.03
13 0Img_4826
11 0005
10 05022659096_14b6a984b...
10 0Img_7571
15 02012-03-02-07.04.30
11 0Img_7729
15 05022659840_dd8a35ddf...
7 0Img_4817
13 0007
10 02012-03-02-14.30.37
12 0Img_6363
12 0Img_7642
11 05022659502_a1e0365f6...
8 0Img_5821
11 0Img_6397
10 0Img_5795
12 02012-03-02-11.00.01
11 0Img_6379
11 02012-03-02-11.00.01 ...
14 0Img_5908
8 0Img_20120527_131743
17 01966940_102029620413...
12 0Img_6393
11 0Img_4828
10 0Img_20120412_125726
12 01798364_102029638407...
9 0Img_4829
10 01901147_102029620368...
10 0Img_20120610_180229
15 0Img_4840
10 0Img_20120607_213054
15 01912134_102029620355...
7 012699692265_98e68c30...
9 0Img_4837
12 0Img_20120416_153140
14 0Pendolo_2011
21 0Img_20120416_152806
15 012699802973_e4596508...
9 0Img_4843
15 0Img_20120416_153015
14 012700136234_5560bba9...
11 0Img_4827
16 0Img_4835
12 0Img_20120416_152920
18 012699813913_7d7c4438...
13 012700163244_91c75b14...
10 0Img_20120416_154359
12 01613765_102029620386...
8 0Img_20120416_154223
12 0Img_20120420_132000
12 01610039_102029638402...
9 010110_10202962035399...
14 0Img_20120420_110651
12 0Img_20120423_175819
12 01620951_102029620357...
7 01620374_102029638396...
8 0Img_20120424_004501
10 0Img_20120424_004547
13 01618680_102029620383...
16 01779684_102029638386...
9 0Img_20120424_004411
10 0Img_20120423_180228
12 01779156_102029638395...
10 07148017761_528a180b2...
11 0Img_20120423_180136
12 07117105125_46d1d4bd9...
7 0Img_20120424_004642
10 07117104261_972cf5876...
9 0Img_20120424_004744
10 06971028600_86adcd507...
10 0Img_20120522_130121
10 0Img_20120523_014222
10 0Img_20120522_130315
9 0Img_20120522_141110
12 0Img_20120521_135933
15 0Img_20120604_134041
9 0Img_20120611_185359
12 0Img_20120611_121521
11 0Img_20120611_201419
13 0Img_20120605_191425
10 0Img_20120611_163622
13 0Img_20120611_181210
9 0Img_20120605_115845
8 0Toledo 72
0 0Toledo 72
0 0
Pins_001 dario varsa...
0 0Pin_004 dario varsal...
0 0Pin_003 dario varsal...
0 0Pin_002 dario varsal...
0 0Displacement-map_fro...
0 0T-shirt-mockup_front...
1 0Shopping-bag-psd-moc...
1 0Retail_mockup dario ...
1 0New_tarallo_group_de...
0 0Reunion_007
0 0
3 0Demo_003_lost
2 0Demo_002_lost
1 0Dandoard
5 0010
12 0004 (2)
14 0002 (2)
12 0003 (2)
13 0001 (2)
14 0007
12 0006
14 0001
12 0Lognomoviaggiatore2
29 0Lognomoviaggiatore3
23 0Artmangè 002
6 0Artmangè 001
10 0Artmangè 003
7 0Artmangè 005
8 0Artmangè 006
10 0Artmangè 004
5 0Artmangè 007
9 0
Stand Fittings
Web Design
Atelier mariee
30 0Atelier mariee
21 0Bbstazionediposta2
22 0Bbstazionediposta4
19 0Airesingegneria1
89 0Bbstazionediposta3
21 0Bocchetti2
19 0Bocchetti3
16 0Bbstazionediposta1
19 0Clebec1
16 0Euroliburia1
27 0Airesingegneria2
35 0Bocchetti1
15 0Bocchetti4
18 0Clebec2
19 0Euroliburia2
16 0Clebec3
14 0Arcoiris5
27 0Partenopea2
23 0Mobilicosmo1
23 0Mobilicosmo2
25 0Lognomoviaggiatore1
25 0Partenopea1
18 0Mobilicosmo3
20 0Perbacco1
16 0Residenzamegaride2
17 0Perbacco2
17 0Residenzamegaride3
13 0Residenzamegaride1
15 0Soluzionematrimonio3
16 0Silvana2
15 0Silvana3
16 0Soluzionematrimonio2
15 0Silvana1
16 0Gondola3
13 0Lanterna1
12 0Lanterna2
12 0Jaja1
12 0Lanterna3
11 0Jaja3
11 0Gondola1
9 0Jaja2
10 0Inside_group_006
1 0Inside_group_007
2 0Istituto nazionale t...
0 0