Italy > Lombardia > Milano

beatrice sciarrillo is a Senior Account from Milano with 5-10 years of experience


On completing my Degree in Political Sciences from Università Statale di Milano, I opted to specialize in Communication and successfully attained my post-graduate degree in Media Relations from Il Read more

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On completing my Degree in Political Sciences from Università Statale di Milano, I opted to specialize in Communication and successfully attained my post-graduate degree in Media Relations from Il Sole24ORE’s Business School. In 2005 the first experience in the press office of SIA, the European leader in the design, creation and management of technology infrastructures and services for Financial and Central Institutions. Can’t believe the things I’ve learned and the experiences done. The job conquered me so much and I’ve never stopped.
My job profile includes planning and executing social media communications, marketing announcements, liasoning with the media.
I’ve enjoyed a steep but very rewarding learning curve both in business and personally.
I have learned a lot during these years in this field and would like to utilize this valuable experience in newer horizons. Delivering quality work that produces results is my top priority and my proven track record bears testimony to my success in this regard.
Strong creativity skills and the ability to grasp customers’ needs and expectations have helped me in these years of activity in Communication and marketing field.
Throughout my academic life, I had been an active participant in university events and this quality of being pro-active, adaptable and self- motivated has continued to manifest in my work as well. Being creative, a team-player and the ability to think on my feet has enabled me to successfully execute my projects within deadlines and budget stipulations.
I have empathy, emotional intelligence, know-how and driven personality.

Employer: Account Senior

Years of Experience: 5-10

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: No

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano
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