Alessandra Marchetto Photographer
Alessandra Marchetto is a Photographer from Codroipo with >10 years of experience
Description:If you want someone who loves work in team here I'am! I'm a Visual Artist, I work in photography, post production, video editing and graphic animation. A dinamic and creative team is what I'm Read more
- 203 Monthly showcase visits
- 245 Visit of the year
- 1 Monthly works Visits
- 4 Click on links
If you want someone who loves work in team here I'am!
I'm a Visual Artist, I work in photography, post production, video editing and graphic animation.
A dinamic and creative team is what I'm searchin' for!
Employer: Altro...
Years of Experience: >10
Qualification: Laurea
Employment Search: Si
Internships Available: Si
Portfolio Skills
- Other
- Self-timer Photo
- Case History
- CoronaVirus
- Curriculum
- Digital Image
- Photos of Underwear
- Fashion and Images photo
- Outdoor photos
- Food&Beverage photos
- Interior photos
- Wedding photos
- Natur photos
- Photos of Nudo
- Photos of Sport
- Photo Still life
- Photo editing and photomanipulation
- Illustration
- Reportage Photo
- Photographic portraits
Favorites showcase
- No commments
Digital Image
Photos of Underwear
Fashion and Images photo
Wedding photos
Natur photos
14 0P1160035
13 0Img_1458
12 0Autunno
14 0Autunno nebbia
11 0Picsart_141234178457...
2 0
Photo Still life
Photo editing and photomanipulation
Post produzione e sc...
19 0Lettino abbronzante
18 0Mag8257m
14 0Braccciale postprodo...
19 0Salotto post prodot...
19 0Calendario
6 0Calendario3
5 0Calendario1
6 0Calendario2
6 0Calendario4
6 0Calendario5
4 0Porta
1 0A
1 0Before and after4
1 0Pianoforte
1 0
Reportage Photo
Kaos one
9 0Alesunn1
9 0Alesunt1
8 0P1060323_copy
10 0P1180074_copy
11 0P1180066_copy
9 0P1180114_copy
9 0P1070362
8 0P1070379
7 0Aleboo1
7 0P1170136
8 0P1170212
6 0P1170640
6 0P1190529_copy
7 0P1190553_copy
5 0P1190666_copy
5 0P1190646copy
6 0P1190615ok4
7 0P1190610ok1
5 0P1190615ok3
4 0New york.jpg
3 0New york-2.jpg
3 0
Photographic portraits