Italy > Abruzzo > Teramo

Devil is a Other.. from Mosciano S.Angelo with >10 years of experience


Hello everyone, I am an inventor and technical designer, I work a lot with cad , graphics, design. I like to earn money while having fun doing and creating works of this kind. I work freelance in the Read more

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Hello everyone, I am an inventor and technical designer, I work a lot with cad , graphics, design. I like to earn money while having fun doing and creating works of this kind. I work freelance in the field of architecture, design and visual arts. Hobbies: motors, fishing, painting.
This last discipline I began to cultivate in 2001 motivated by personal events, finding in art an outlet for the representation of particular states of mind not only mine but also of the people around me, I also devote myself to the composition and implementation of design objects but in particular use as an artistic language that of painting, making it my main instrument of expression.
"In my works is always present the fantasy that is transformed into a tool for the representation of the expression of feelings, often imprisoned in crystals of very complex feelings, hard to break, difficult to represent as amorphous and immaterial beings. Precisely for this reason, each of my works has its own way of being represented and its own technique, which leads me to a continuous research and study of new techniques and their possible evolution and growth, due to my constant emotional maturity.

Employer: Altro...

Years of Experience: >10

Employment Search: No

Internships Available: No

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Address : Italy > Abruzzo > Teramo
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