Italy > Puglia > Taranto Taranto

antonella maccagnani is a Junior Copy from Taranto with < 5 years of experience


I have two degrees in advertising, various types of experience and a lot of passion for everything related to creativity. I love to write, to dream, invent, devise. I write songs, I try to write Read more

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I have two degrees in advertising, various types of experience and a lot of passion for everything related to creativity.
I love to write, to dream, invent, devise. I write songs, I try to write books (still unfinished) and I ventured into my various experiences in the preparation of journals, articles, food guides, advertising campaigns.
I call myself a copywriter, and for a while 'I have also done, but lately I've learned some graphics programs.
I am therefore in a position to devise the best advertising campaigns, logos, advertising, commercials, and also designed and produced.
My dream is to cultivate my passion, and be able to believe, though always with the humility to understand that there is always something to learn.

Sex: F

Birthday: 17.12.1980

Qualification: Laurea

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Puglia > Taranto Taranto
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