Italy > Lombardia > Milano

enrica.demaio is a Junior Account from Milano with < 5 years of experience


I recently got my master's degree in Communications. I'm looking for a job in a dynamic and energic framework, a place where I can feel inspired and encouraged, where to improve and compare myself Read more

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I recently got my master's degree in Communications.
I'm looking for a job in a dynamic and energic framework, a place where I can feel inspired and encouraged, where to improve and compare myself with communication and organization sectors professionals.
I think determination and total commitment are the right instruments to learn and succeed. I am willing to take on any challenge, facing problems with passion and energy.
I want to have the chance to experience the working reality, turning my knowledge into practice.
It's important to learn new skills as well, soaking them up, like a sponge, and give my abilities back the moment they are needed most.
I would welcome the opportunity to utilise the knowledge I have gained from my formal studies and my previous work experiences.
Over the past years I gained experience in Press Office role and in the event organisation area. I had the chance to develop my communication skills and to increase my back office abilities.
During the last years at university I managed my time to achieve balance between my studies, my interests (photography and travelling) and my economic support.

Employer: Disoccupato

Years of Experience: < 5

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Lombardia > Milano
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