Italy > Veneto > Belluno

Natasa Markusic is a Junior Account from Longarone with years of experience


Hi Creathead members, my name is Natasa, I have 25 years and come from Croatia, but live in Italy past 6 months. I'm finishing my specialist degree in Economy and Marketing. For a year, I worked in Read more

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Hi Creathead members, my name is Natasa, I have 25 years and come from Croatia, but live in Italy past 6 months. I'm finishing my specialist degree in Economy and Marketing. For a year, I worked in Publicis Groupe as Marketing Media assistant, I did all kinds of work. Mostly I assisted in calculations and arranged deals with clients. After that I moved to Italy, worked in Eyewear factory for a month to learn language more quickly and now I want to find my kind of job, job in Marketing and/or something similar. Creative heads are special kind of people, happy, optimistic, always thinking, always working, never stopping, always smiling. My kind of people.

Employer: Studente

Years of Experience:

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Veneto > Belluno
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