francesca costa Illustrator
francesca costa is a Illustrator from Savona with >10 years of experience
Description:Francesca Costa is a freelance illustrator and I work with Italian publishing houses and advertising agencies. I'm specialized in vectorial graphic and I realize illustration for children and for Read more
- 188 Monthly showcase visits
- 223 Visit of the year
- 0 Monthly works Visits
- 23 Click on links
Francesca Costa is a freelance illustrator and I work with Italian publishing houses and advertising agencies.
I'm specialized in vectorial graphic and I realize illustration for children and for adult.
You can see my works on my website: www.francescacosta.it
Employer: Libero Professionista
Years of Experience: >10
Employment Search: Si
Internships Available: No
Portfolio Skills
- Advertising
- Posters
- Other
- 3d Animations
- App iphone ipad android
- Self-timer Photo
- Below the line
- Brochures and Publications
- Caricature
- Case History
- Press Releases
- Social Communication
- CoronaVirus
- Curriculum
- Interior Decorating
- Digital Image
- Photos
- Photo editing and photomanipulation
- Cartoon
- Graffiti
- Publishing
- Graphics design
- Illustration
- Book illustrations
- Medical illustrations
- Illustrations for children
- Illustrations for children
- Technical Illustrations
- 3D Images
- Naming
- News
- NFT - Non-fungible token
- Packaging
- Painting
- Promotion
- Photographic portraits
- Scenographies
- Sculpture
- Spot Video TV
- Tattoo - Makeup
- Tribal tattoos
- Vignettes
Favorites showcase
- No commments
226 0Tram
140 0Natale
119 0Carte
98 0Shopping
93 0Cibi su tagliere
86 0Cuoco
79 0Carrozza
80 0Cenerentola
77 0Stelle marine
75 0Trucchi
90 0Scatola gioielli1
81 0Trucchi2
81 0La buffa fattoria
80 0Sorellastre
77 0Francesca costa
72 0Mezzanotte
66 0Schermata 2014-12-17...
7 0Schermata 2016-02-29...
2 006305 - a tavola
3 0112
3 0
Francesca costa
71 0Api
66 0Giganete e topolini
59 0Famiglia di corsa
59 0Coppia abbracciata
56 0Shopping a parigi
53 0Donna con cellulare
53 0Supereroe salva tren...
53 0Lumachina
49 0Fiori
46 0Fattoria
46 0Cane e gatto
51 0Love is
13 0
Self-timer Photo
Brochures and Publications
Digital Image
Scuola primaria, ita...
48 0Leprotto spaventapas...
41 0Collana abaco, matem...
39 0Surf
40 0Mucca con cane
37 0Gatto con mela
34 0Giallo limone, scuol...
36 0Polpo
34 0Volpe
29 0Maghetta
34 0Spiaggia
13 0Giraffina
34 0Treporcellini
31 0Treporcellini2
29 0Ridere
26 0Fattoria
26 0Pinguino
29 0Magicabù, scuola pe...
31 0Maghetto
54 0Io, tu e pilù
41 0Irino pinguino cante...
37 0Biancaneve
35 0Cappuccetto rosso, s...
38 0Schermata 2015-02-19...
13 0Schermata 2015-02-19...
11 0Schermata 2015-02-19...
9 0Schermata 2015-02-19...
10 0Schermata 2015-05-29...
8 0Senza titolo-2
9 0Schermata 2015-05-29...
15 0Schermata 2015-05-29...
12 0
32 0Viso donna
33 0Primavera
25 0Primavera2
28 0Schermata 2016-06-10...
4 0Schermata 2018-05-16...
4 0
Illustrations for children
34 0Ballerina
27 0Windsurf
26 0Volley
28 0Cuoco
2 0Bimba inverno
7 0Schermata 2016-02-29...
1 0Schermata 2016-02-29...
1 083
0 013
0 09
0 08
1 0Schermata 2016-05-08...
1 0Schermata 2016-05-13...
3 0
Illustrations for children