Italy > Campania > Napoli

Valentina Sacco is a Graphic designer from Napoli with >10 years of experience


Freelance graphic designer with experience in the field of graphic and web design. She graduated from the National Institute of Design in Naples. I deal with many aspects of communication design in Read more

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Freelance graphic designer with experience in the field of graphic and web design. She graduated from the National Institute of Design in Naples. I deal with many aspects of communication design in publishing is that the creation of visual identity, I developed several projects to design web interfaces. In the course of my studies and as a result of collaborations with companies and firms within the graphic and web design, I am dedicated to the deepening of themes and development of projects covering a wide range. I am very at ease to work in groups and learned to develop new ideas and propose new initiatives. Working with leading software for graphics, layout, image editing, design and implementation of websites: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress, Adobe InDesign, Freehand, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash. I have an excellent knowledge of XHTML and CSS.

Employer: Grafico

Years of Experience: >10

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Photo editing and photomanipulation

Web Design

Address : Italy > Campania > Napoli
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