Italy > Lazio > Roma

Mario Moro is a Artist from TIVOLI TERME with >20 years of experience


Mario Moro Via G. Pascoli 21 , 00011 Tivoli Terme ( RM ) Tel 0774 355950 ( fixed ) Cell 33888977261 e_mail : [email protected] Mario Moro is an Italian artist and painter who lives in France , Read more

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Mario Moro Via G. Pascoli 21 , 00011 Tivoli Terme ( RM ) Tel 0774 355950 ( fixed ) Cell 33888977261 e_mail : [email protected]
Mario Moro is an Italian artist and painter who lives in France , Maritime Alps since 2005. First he stayed and worked in England between 1994 and 2005. Former scenic artist , graduate set designer for dance , self-taught painter , he was trained as a gestural actor and mime in Rome and London in the 90's. He has worked in Italy , Great Britain , Scotland , Spain , Portugal and Japan .
Drawing and painting have always been her favorite activities .
Currently he is attending a training course in fresco at the School of Ornamental Arts and Crafts in Rome sponsored by the City of Rome .
His aim for the future is to become a professional illustrator and interior designer as well as maintain its activity as painter internationally.

Employer: Disoccupato

Years of Experience: >20

Employment Search: Si

Internships Available: Si

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Address : Italy > Lazio > Roma
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